Home > GIFU 岐阜県 > Mino 美濃市 > Udatsu Traditional Townscape うだつの上がる町並み
Mino in Gifu has a traditional townscape of "udatsu" homes. Udatsu is a decorative firewall on the side of the home's roof. Townscape is a rectangular area of residential streets lined with traditional homes. A few are open to the public.
Near Minoshi Station on the Nagaragawa Railway. This area is a National Important Traditional Townscape Preservation District (重要伝統的建造物群保存地区).
Keywords: gifu mino udatsu roof traditional townscape japanhouse

Mino in Gifu has a traditional townscape of "udatsu" homes. Udatsu is a decorative firewall on the side of the home's roof. Townscape is a rectangular area of residential streets lined with traditional homes. A few are open to the public.

Near Minoshi Station on the Nagaragawa Railway. This area is a National Important Traditional Townscape Preservation District (重要伝統的建造物群保存地区).

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