Home > GIFU 岐阜県 > Gifu city 岐阜市 > Nakasendo Kano-juku and Kano Castle 加納宿・加納城跡
Marker for Kano-juku's Honjin where Princess Kazunomiya once stayed on Oct. 26, 1861 on her way from Kyoto to Edo to marry Shogun Tokugawa Iemochi. 本陣
Keywords: gifu kano-juku castle nakasendo

Marker for Kano-juku's Honjin where Princess Kazunomiya once stayed on Oct. 26, 1861 on her way from Kyoto to Edo to marry Shogun Tokugawa Iemochi. 本陣

ty838-20181027-0415.jpg ty842-20181027-0486.jpg ka301-P1070152.jpg ka307-P1070173.jpg ka313-P1070186.jpg ka324-P1070144.jpg ka326-P1070143.jpg