Home > AKITA 秋田県 > Akita city 秋田市 > Kanto Festival 竿灯まつり
One of the Big Three Festivals in Tohoku, the Kanto Matsuri has men in happi coats balancing tall paper lantern-bedecked bamboo poles, called kanto, on their foreheads, shoulders, hand palms, or hips. Held on Aug. 3 to 6 near JR Akita Station.
A kanto is carried to the festival site before nightfall.
Keywords: akita kanto matsuri festival lantern

One of the Big Three Festivals in Tohoku, the Kanto Matsuri has men in happi coats balancing tall paper lantern-bedecked bamboo poles, called kanto, on their foreheads, shoulders, hand palms, or hips. Held on Aug. 3 to 6 near JR Akita Station.

A kanto is carried to the festival site before nightfall.

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