Home > MIE 三重県 > Meiwa 明和町 > Saio Matsuri Festival at Saiku 第36回 斎王まつり・斎宮跡
Until the 19th century, wild irises grew extensively in Saiku's natural wetlands. 
A National Natural Monument, Saiku/Ise irises are one of Japan's few natural iris strains from which hybrids were created. Wetlands have been recreated in Saiku to grow irises.
Keywords: mie meiwa saiku saio matsuri festival

Until the 19th century, wild irises grew extensively in Saiku's natural wetlands.

A National Natural Monument, Saiku/Ise irises are one of Japan's few natural iris strains from which hybrids were created. Wetlands have been recreated in Saiku to grow irises.

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