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Large crowd gather to watch the karakuri puppets perform on the ornate floats. Sign says "Watch out for pickpockets."

Large crowd gather to watch the karakuri puppets perform on the ornate floats.

Only four of the 12 floats have karakuri puppets which perform. Takayama Matsuri, Gifu

The karakuri puppets first appeared on the Takayama Matsuri floats in the 18th century. They were handcrafted by artisans in Kyoto.

Japan has three basic types of karakuri puppets based on the region: Kyoto, Nagoya, and Kanto (Tokyo area). The Takayama karakuri are the Nagoya-type.

The puppets come out on a plank sticking out of the float and perform in a mini play with various stunts.

Ryuujintai Karakuri 龍神台からくり

Sanbasou Karakuri 三番叟からくり

Sanbasou Karakuri 三番叟からくり

Ryuujintai Karakuri 龍神台からくり

Ryuujintai Karakuri 龍神台からくり

Ryuujintai Karakuri, Takayama Festival, Gifu 龍神台からくり

The karakuri perfom one float at a time.

Shakkyoutai Karakuri which transforms into a lion dance. 石橋台からくり

Ryuujintai Karakuri 龍神台からくり

Ryuujintai Karakuri throwing confetti. 龍神台からくり

Street lined with floats.

Floats are displayed on the street. Takayama Matsuri, Gifu

Superb embroidery

Storehouse for a float. 屋台蔵

Held on April 14, the night procession is the festival's major highlight. 夜まつり曳行

The floats are lit and paraded on the streets.

On Nakahashi Bridge.

The floats cross Nakahashi Bridge.