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Usuzan Ropeway terminal on the left.

Usuzan Ropeway car holds over 100 people.

Leaving the ropeway terminal.

The ropeway distance is 1370 meters. It takes only 6 min. to reach Mt. Usu. The roundtrip ropeway fare is 1,450 yen for adults, 730 yen for kids.

Showa-Shinzan gets smaller.

Usuzan Ropeway, Lake Toya.

View of Lake Toya from the ropeway car.

View of Lake Toya from the ropeway car.

Lookout deck on Mt. Usu, near the ropeway terminal.

Toyako lookout deck on Mt. Usu, near the ropeway terminal. 洞爺湖展望台

Lake Toya lookout deck on Mt. Usu, near the ropeway terminal. Showa-Shinzan clearly in sight. 洞爺湖展望台

Lake Toya as seen from Mt. Usu.

Lake Toya as seen from Mt. Usu.

You can see the road (and youth hostel) where you turn right to reach Showa-Shinzan.

Lava dome on Mt. Usuzan

From the ropeway terminal is a path to another hill which has another lookout point.

Alpine flowers

Mt. Usu Crater lookout deck on the top of the hill. 有珠山火口原展望台

Mt. Usu Crater lookout deck on the top of the hill. 有珠山火口原展望台

This lookout point is for viewing the Ginnuma Crater.

Lava dome on Mt. Usu. This volcano has erupted four times in the 20th century: 1910, 1943-45, 1977-78, and 2000 (on the west side called Nishiyama).

Another hiking trail goes closer to Ginnuma Crater for a better view.

Path to Ginnuma Crater

Mt. Usu's Ginnuma Crater, one of the largest. It was created during the 1977 eruption. 銀沼大火口

The hiking trail goes along the rim of Ginnuma Crater. Most people don't go that far. 銀沼大火口

View of Date city and the ocean.

During the last eruption in 2000, Toyako Onsen was damaged by the debris. But no one died because everyone had been evacuated. A series of tell-tale earthquakes prompted the evacuation.

View of Showa-Shinzan and ropeway terminal.

Heading back to the ropeway terminal.

Ropeway terminal

Ropeway terminal

Going back down on the Usuzan Ropeway.

The Usuzan Ropeway terminal has gift shops selling a variety of G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit merchandise. T-shirts, bags, candy, etc.

This box of cookies show all the G8 Summit leaders bathing in a hot spring and scrubbing each other's backs. They also say, "Ii yu!" (great hot spring) which is pronounced "EU" as a pun.

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit merchandise: Pins

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit merchandise: T-shirts

Mt. Usu or Usuzan as seen from the lake.

Showa-Shinzan is on the left, with Mt. Usu at center.

Toyako Onsen Spa

Eastern Lake Toya, with Mt. Usu in the distance.

Eastern Lake Toya, with pretty lake colors.