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JR Fussa Station on the Ome Line. 福生駅

JR Fussa Station connects to Seiyu

JR Fussa Station, North side

JR Fussa Station, North side

JR Fussa Station, South side

JR Fussa Station, South side

JR Fussa Station

JR Fussa Station platform

Kami Josui Park near Tamagawa Josui canal. 加美上水公園

Kami Josui Park

Kanizaka Park near Tamagawa River かに坂公園

Map along the Tamagawa River

Tamagawa River

Jogging route along Tamagawa River

Tamagawa Josui canal in Fussa

Park to meet someone special and to "create happiness" as the name "Fussa" implies.

Fussa manhole cover with Tanabata design

Another manhole with the city's flower, bird, and tree, and Tanabata.

Sign in English

JR Haijima Station being renovated in early 2007. 拝島駅

Walking guide to Fussa at Haijima Station.

Haijima Station platform 拝島駅

Following the USS Midway, the USS Independence was the second forward-deployed US aircraft carrier in Japan. It was based in Yokosuka during 1991-98.

I went with a group to tour the USS Independence while it was homeported at Yokosuka. All the planes were gone, flown to Atsugi.

CV-62 Freedom's Flagship is nicknamed "Indy." Commissioned in 1959.


Bow and anchor

Riding on the elevator to the flight deck.

The elevator is normally used to carry planes up to the flight deck.

Flight deck of the USS Independence. The island or control tower can be seen.

Control tower of the Indy.

Flight deck of the USS Independence.


We all received a cap.

Nets along the edge function as a safety net for any crew who has to jump off the flight deck.

The flight deck is dotted with these lugs used to tie down the planes.

Fan tail



Inside the bridge


"Welcome aboard!"

Captain's seat. We took turns sitting on it for pictures.

View of the flight deck from the bridge.

Bridge windows

Inside the USS Independence

Submarine moored in the next berth.


Hangar below deck. The USS Independence was decommissioned in Sept. 1998.

This is the USS Midway which I also toured with a group while it was still homeported in Yokosuka during 1973-1991. The first US aircraft carrier to be homeported outside the US.

Flight deck of the USS Midway.

USS Midway control tower

USS Midway flight deck

There were no planes on the carrier when we visited. They were all at Atsugi. This jet was gutted and used only for ground crew training.

Elevator on USS Midway

USS Midway hangar. The ship is now a museum in San Diego, California.

JR Fussa Station on the JR Ome Line is decorated with tanabata streamers during Aug. 6-9.

JR Fussa Station

JR Fussa Station. Go out the West (Nishiguchi) exit for the Tanabata Matsuri.

Right outside the west exit of Fussa Station was this helpful information booth, offering free maps and info about the festival.

Area in front of Fussa Station's west exit.

Tanabata decorations on the west side of Fussa Station.

Fussa's biggest event is the Fussa Tanabata Matsuri. The 59th festival was held during Aug. 6-9, 2009. I visited on Aug. 9, 2009.

Ekimae-dori road had outdoor tanabata decorations. In fact, there are no indoor arcade areas for tanabata in Fussa.

Fussa Tanabata Matsuri, Tokyo

MJ who died in June 2009.

The festival is said to have originated from a Star Festival in China. According to Chinese legend, east of the Milky Way there was a Heavenly King whose daughter worked as a weaver. However, when she married a herdsman, she quit weaving.

This angered her father who banished the herdsman to the other side of the Milky Way. He allowed the two to meet only once a year on the evening of the seventh day of the seventh month (according to the lunar calendar).

The weaver is represented by the Vega star and the herdsman by the Altair star. As a prayer to produce better arts and crafts, the Imperial Court and the warrior class paid homage to these two stars from ancient times. This practice spread to the masses.

Japan's largest Tanabata Matsuri is in Sendai. Tanabata in Hiratsuka, Kanagawa and Asagaya in Tokyo are also well known.

Quite a few people wore yukata.

A band parade by local school children.

Making their way through Ekimae-dori.

Fussa manhole depicting tanabata festival in Tokyo.

Another road with tanabata decorations in Fussa was this Ginza-dori road, also outdoors.

The decorations on Ginza-dori were more creative.

Michael Jackson tribute in Aug. 2009, Fussa Tanabata Matsuri, Tokyo. Very good likeness.

On the reverse side of MJ, was Barack Obama, Fussa Tanabata Matsuri, Tokyo

Barack Obama at Fussa Tanabata Matsuri, Tokyo. A very good likeness.

Chinese-style tanabata decoration.

Anpan Man of course. What would a tanabata festival be without this character?

We also saw a mini samba parade promoting a college wrestling event.

Mini samba parade at Fussa Tanabata Matsuri, Tokyo

Samba dancer at Fussa Tanabata Matsuri, Tokyo

Samba dancer at Fussa Tanabata Matsuri, Tokyo

Samba dancer at Fussa Tanabata Matsuri, Tokyo

Samba dancer at Fussa Tanabata Matsuri, Tokyo

Samba dancer at Fussa Tanabata Matsuri, Tokyo

Samba dancer at Fussa Tanabata Matsuri, Tokyo

Entrance to the Daiichi Elementary School.

Daiichi Elementary School had a stage for performances, etc. There were numerous performers every day of the festival.

Brass band parafe by Self-Defense Force.

Tanabata Galaxy Street had food stalls.

Lake Kussharo is another scenic lake in Akan-Mashu National Park in eastern Hokkaido. Japan's largest caldera lake. Unlike Lake Mashu, Kussharo is accessible to tourists like here at Sunayu.

Lake Kussharo has two tourist areas. One is here at Sunayu. 砂湯

Lake Kussharo as seen from Sunayu. Lake Kussharo's caldera volcano started forming over one million years ago. The caldera lake formed over 40,000 years ago. Part of the caldera lake was filled in by Mashu volcano eruptions, making Kussharo lose its round shape and become bean-shaped.

Lake Kussharo was also known for the "Kusshi" legend similar to the Loch Ness Monster, "Nessie." Credible sightings of Kussi were widely reported from 1973-1974, but stopped after the 2000s.This is an old statue displayed at JR Bihoro Station. Newer statue is at Sunayu near the lake shore.

Lake Kussharo is noted for its mystical atmosphere. There's a lakeshore road along the southern half of the lake. Water surface covers 79.7 sq. km.You can dig into the sand and find hot spring water.

Boats can be rented at Sunayu. In May 1938, the Kussharo Earthquake had sulfates seep into the lake from the lake bottom, making the water too acidic (pH4) for fish which got wiped out.

By the 2000s, the water acidity decreased enough to introduce fish which could endure the acidity. Only small stocks of rainbow trout, Kokanee, and Masu salmon are now in the lake. The lake has no fishing industry.

Lake Kussharo, Hokkaido

Boating on Lake Kussharo, Hokkaido.

When I visited, there were Ainu on the Sunayu beach posing for tourists for a fee.

The lake circumerence is 57 km. Deepest point is 125 meters. In the middle of the lake is Nakajima island, a volcano. Japan's largest island in a lake. The island is uninhabited by humans.

Boats for rent at Sunayu, Lake Kussharo, Hokkaido. In winter, the lake freezes over.

Wakoto Peninsula is another tourist part of Lake Kussharo. It's a small peninsula (2.5 km shoreline) with natural hot springs. 和琴半島

Wakoto Peninsula has this free outdoor hot spring bath on the lake shore. Open to both men and women, most bathers wear a swimsuit.

Wakoto Peninsula's west side.

Wakoto Peninsula

Wakoto Peninsula

Lake Kussharo's water surface looks artistic.

Wakoto Peninsula east side.

Nearest train station is JR Kawayu Onsen Station. Take the Akan Bus to Kawayu Onsen to reach Lake Kussharo.

As part of the annual Nagahama Shusse Matsuri festival held on the second Sat. of Oct., a matchlock gun demonstration (長浜火縄銃大会) is held at Nagahama Castle during 13:30 a.m.–12 p.m. Nagahama Castle is near JR Nagahama Station (West side) on the Hokuriku Line. Short ride from JR Maibara Station.

Three matchlock gun battalions to shoot their guns (blanks of course). The battalions are from Tanegashima (Kagoshima), Sakai (Osaka), and Hikone (Shiga). Japan has a number of matchlock gun battalions who are licensed to possess and fire these guns to preserve their history and perform at events and festivals.

This battalion was from Tanegashima island in Kagoshima Prefecture (Kyushu). That's where guns were first introduced to Japan from Europe in 1543 and forever changed warfare in Japan.

Taking aim and ready to fire...

BANG!!! The guns were extremely loud. Makes you jump.

They were going to take turns and keep shooting for about 90 min. I can handle these loud bangs once or twice, but no more. So I left this event early right after seeing/hearing/photographing this first battalion fire their guns. I didn't want to risk any damage to my ear drums. I wonder how these gunners protect their hearing.

Nagahama also holds an outdoor kimono garden party in the afternoon with several hundred young women in kimono descending on this provincial city. (長浜きもの大園遊会)The kimono women first had to register at Ekimachi Terrace in front of JR Nagahama Station (West side) on the Hokuriku Line. Short ride from JR Maibara Station.

Women in furisode kimono who visit the city for this kimono party are eligible to win prizes in a drawing held at Daitsuji Temple in the afternoon.Furisode kimono are kimono with long sleeves going down below the knees. They are worn by single women. Married women wear kimono with shorter sleeves. And so most of the kimono women are in their teens to 30s.

The kimono women first had to register at Ekimachi Terrace where they receive a lottery number for the grand prize drawing. Photographers also had to register here and get a permission tag to photograph the women.The grand prize is a free trip for two to Hawaii.

The event attracts a lot of photographers who like to photograph women in kimono. Many of the women are also willing to pose if you ask them.

At the Hikiyama Museum, stage entertainment.

At the Hikiyama Museum, stage entertainment schedule (in 2017).

Hikiyama float was also displayed near the museum.

The woman might even bring a prop like a red umbrella. Nagahama, Shiga.

Most of them come with friends or with their mother. Nagahama, Shiga.

Path to Daitsuji Temple was full of kimono ladies for the Nagahama Kimono Garden Party in Shiga.

Nagahama has a nice photogenic area with traditional buildings where the women could stroll, hang out, and pose for photos. This path leads to Daitsuji temple where the prize drawing would be held.

It's almost like Coming-of-Age Day in mid-January when 20-year-olds wear kimono to the official ceremony. But these women can be older than 20. I believe most of them are from Shiga, but a good number are also from nearby prefectures like Gifu, Aichi, and Kyoto. A few were foreigners, probably local English teachers. Nagahama, Shiga.

This woman was nice because she had a traditional Japanese hairstyle (Shimada style) with her real hair which is rare. There are hairdressers in Japan who are trying to learn, preserve, and promote traditional Japanese hairstyles. It's quite complicated to create and you need really long hair. Nagahama, Shiga.

This is Daitsuji Temple, Nagahama's largest Buddhist temple (Higashi Honganji) large enough to seat up to 1,000 women. The kimono ladies will gather here by 2 pm for the grand prize drawing.

Event schedule.

From 1 pm, the kimono ladies started to arrive at the Daitsuji Temple as the local duo ~Lefa~ played.

Local duo ~Lefa~ performing at Daitsuji Temple.

Local duo ~Lefa~ performing at Daitsuji Temple.

Local duo ~Lefa~ performing at Daitsuji Temple.

Local duo ~Lefa~ performing at Daitsuji Temple.

Local duo ~Lefa~ performing at Daitsuji Temple.

More kimono ladies start to arrive.

Miss Biwako Kimono.

Celebrities will join the stage program (talk show).

The kimono women all gathered here by 2 pm for the prize drawing. They faced a makeshift stage.

Nagahama Kimono Garden Party in mid-Oct. in Shiga Prefecture.

On the stage, local sponsors and dignitaries pulled out the lucky lots one by one.Besides the trip to Hawaii as the grand prize, they gave out kimono fabric, travel certificates, free hotel rooms, and other valuable prizes sponsored by local businesses.

This is the super lucky girl who won the free trip to Hawaii. She was from the neighboring city of Maibara and plans to take her younger sister to Hawaii.Congratulations!!! Doesn't she look like a deserving person? Hope you enjoy my home state, Aloha and bon voyage!!

After all the big prizes were given out, the remaining women were eligible to receive door prizes so they stood in line for that.

During Aug. 22-23, 2009, Yokota Air Base held its annual Japanese-American Friendship Festival. I went on the 23rd, arriving at about 11 am. The base was open through Supply Gate No. 5 which is near Ushihama Station on the JR Ome Line.

Ushihama Station is small, and certainly not used to handling the huge crowd of people trying to get out of the station. The train platform was jammed with people. It took maybe 10 min. to get out.

From the train station, just follow the crowd. I don't know why they didn't close the road to traffic and let us (a much larger number of people than those in cars on the road) walk to the base. The sidewalks are very narrow.

Here's Supply Gate No. 5 at Yokota Air Base. It looked like a long wait here too, but it went smoothly.

Massive crowd going through the gate at Yokota Air Base. We were advised not to bring large bags. I only had a waist pouch. They inspected large bags and rucksacks. Foreigners had to show a photo ID. Of course, I look Japanese, so no ID check for me.

Poster for the Yokota Air Base Japanese-American Friendship Festival 2009. Free admission. You had to be either a Japanese or American citizen. (I happen to be a US citizen.)

Lotta local people also came by bicycle.

Here we are in Yokota Air Base passing by numerous hangars.

The Japanese loved to take pictures with the Americans.

Basketball court

A long line to take pictures with a dog.

K-9 Unit posing for photos with a German Shepherd. That's a big doggie.

The festival's main area was lined with food booths and PEOPLE!! This is a lot more people than I had ever seen at this festival, and this was my third time. About 100,000 people came this day. Looked more like 500,000.

Layout of the place. Lots of food booths and souvenir stalls.

Entertainment schedule. There was an indoor stage inside Hangar No. 15 and an outdoor stage. Plus airborne demos.

Hangar 15

Hangar 15

Hangar 15 had an indoor stage and food booths. A good place to sit and rest. It wasn't so hot, like I remembered before. I was told that this hangar is normally used for the C-130.

The entertainment when I was there was the "Tanabata Dancers." Good to see these military wives embracing Japanese culture. Tanabata is the star festival for which host city Fussa is also famous.

One food booth was "Sons of Hawaii," run by people from Hawaii. Maybe they should change their name to "Sons and Daughters of Hawaii" cuz I saw mostly daughters. BBQ pork sticks and cupcakes. How come neva have Haw'n food??Kalua pig, poi, lomi-lomi salmon, and haupia. C'mon guys, bring out da real Hawaiian food. (If you guys really from HI.)

Many food booths had long lines. Sasebo Burgers here.


Cub Scout T-shirts, better design.

Mrs. Yokota?? Hmm, maybe she's married to a Mr. Yokota. Actually, she's Heather Fife, wife of Maj. Kurt Fife, 36th Airlift Squadron,like an ambassador for Yokota. Read about her here.

An American icon, SPAM.

They even had a race car display. They must've been happy that it didn't rain. There was some cloud cover, so it wasn't an unbearably hot day.

Hot rods

The black Camaro was on sale.

Dunking contest. Hey, where's the bikini girl?

Inflatable rides for kids, a long line as well. Very important to have something for kids. Lotta families came to the festival.

A giant food court on the tarmac. Good idea to bring something to sit on. Lucky that it wasn't a bright sunny day. Otherwise, the tarmac would be like a frying pan.

Would you believe an ambulance made its way through the food court?? People had to get up and make room.

Outdoor stage had more entertainment.


Hokusai ukiyoe on the tail of a Cessna.