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Kichijoji Falls, Hinohara, Tokyo

Work of art by nature

Hossawa Falls

The park has about 120 varieties of plum blossoms. You can see how different they look.

View from lookout deck on Mt. Mitake, Tokyo

Cherry blossom veil

Hossawa Falls is one of Japan's 100 Famous Falls. 日本の滝百選

Cherry blossom ceiling

Tama River in Mitake Gorge, Tokyo

Tama River in Mitake Gorge, Tokyo

A "waterfall" of weeping plum blossoms (Shidare ume no taki) しだれ梅の滝

Wish the sweet fragrance could come through your computer screen...

Another view from the top of the bridge in the good old days. They don't bloom like this anymore...

Azaleas also bloom around the same time as wisteria at Kameido Tenjin Shrine. Both flowers symbolize Golden Week which is a string of holidays in late April and early May, serving as spring vacation for many workers.