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Magistrate's (governor) office 御役所

View of Administrator's office from the veranda

Magistrate's living quarters 居宅(嵐山の間)

The first room you see is this Cha-no-ma living room where the head of the household greeted guests. Built in 1885-1887, the house has more than 60 rooms, with a floor space of about 4,000 sq. meters. 茶の間

Room with a view: This is the centerpiece of the former home, a large drawing room (Ohiroma) used for large gatherings. It gives a marvelous view of the garden. 大広間

Ohiroma drawing room and adjacent garden in autumn.

Ohiroma drawing room

Veranda of Ohiroma drawing room

Ohiroma drawing room was used only a few times a year for wedding and funeral receptions, etc.

With 100 tatami mats, the Ohiroma drawing room is the most impressive room in the house.

Corner of rear drawing room (urazashiki)

Impressive garden views from the rear drawing room (urazashiki)

The rear drawing room was where guests would wait until they were welcomed into the Ohiroma main drawing room.

Rear drawing room (Urazashiki) adjacent to the Ohiroma main drawing room.

Inside Sanraku-tei with unusually shaped tatami mats to fit the triangular floor. It has three rooms, one was a study and another was a tea ceremony room.

Toju Shoin Study (drawing room). 藤樹書院