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Japan's most famous temple, with the world's oldest wooden buildings (over 1,300 years old), is also the country's first World Heritage Site. Also called Ikaruga-dera, the temple is the headquarters of the Shotoku-shu Buddhist Sect. Path to

Admission charged. The 1,000 yen ticket gets you into the three major sights.

Nandaimon Gate 南大門

Horyuji temple, Nandaimon Gate, National Treasure 南大門(国宝)

Founded in 607 by Prince Shotoku Taishi, Horyuji is one of Japan's most famous temples, with the world's oldest wooden buildings (over 1,300 years old). Japan's first World Heritage Site.

Also called Ikaruga-dera, the temple is the headquarters of the Shotoku-shu Buddhist Sect founded by Shotoku Taishi.


Map of Horyuji. Large complex of buildings. Only two precincts are open to the public.

Horyuji and World Heritage Site (Japan's first) marker

Sai-in Garan West Precinct 西院伽藍

三経院 National Treasure

Horyuji temple Five-Story Pagoda and Kondo Hall, National Treasures 五重塔 金堂

Five-Story Pagoda and Kondo Hall, National Treasures 五重塔 金堂

Goju-no-To (Five-Story Pagoda), National Treasure, Horyuji. The size of the roof gets smaller toward the top of the structure. 五重塔 仏舎利

Horyuji Goju-no-To (Five-Story Pagoda) National Treasure. Houses a few bones of Shakyamuni Buddha. 五重塔

The Five-Story pagoda has a thick wooden pillar in the center going from the bottom to the top. Only the top part of the building is in contact with the central pillar and works to counterbalance earthquake swaying.

You can enter or see inside the buildings, but no photography is allowed inside.

Daikodo Hall and Five-Story Pagoda, National Treasures 五重塔

Horyuji temple Kondo Main Hall, the world's oldest wooden building at 1,300 years old. National Treasure 金堂

Kondo Main Hall, National Treasure and Horyuji's most important building. However, on January 26, 1949, much of the first floor was destroyed by accidental fire. 金堂

Kondo Main Hall houses 13 Buddha statues. 金堂

Kondo Main Hall, National Treasure. It has some Chinese design elements. 金堂

Kondo Main Hall, National Treasure 金堂

Kondo Main Hall, National Treasure 金堂

To Daikōdō Hall

Daikōdō Hall, National Treasure. Houses Buddha statues. 大講堂

Horyuji temple, Daikōdō Hall, National Treasure 大講堂


Lantern relief

Chūmon Gate, National Treasure 中門

Chūmon Gate, National Treasure 中門

Even the corridor is a National Treasure. Has about 150 wooden pillars. 西院伽藍の廻廊

Chūmon Gate and Kondo Hall

Corridor and Chūmon Gate 西院伽藍の廻廊

National Treasure

Daiho-zoin Museum. Admission included in the 1,000 yen ticket. 大宝蔵院

Daiho-zoin Museum 大宝蔵院

Tōdaimon Gate, National Treasure 東大門

Path to Yumedono Pavilion

Path to Yumedono Pavilion

Path to Yumedono Pavilion

Gate to Yumedono Pavilion

Ticket gate to Yumedono. Admission included in the 1,000 yen ticket.

Yumedono Pavilion, National Treasure dedicated to Shotoku Taishi. Built on the site of Prince Shotoku's palace. 夢殿

Horyuji temple, Yumedono Pavilion, National Treasure. The Nippon Budokan martial arts hall in Tokyo was designed after this pavilion. 夢殿

Hall of Paintings has the Illustrated Biography of Prince Shōtoku (National Treasure), masterpiece 11th century wall painting depicting Shotoku Taishi's life episodes bordering on legend and myth since he was later revered as a Buddha by Horyuji.

Hall of Paintings. The original painting is preserved at Tokyo National Museum. Official video of the painting: 国宝 聖徳太子絵伝 絵殿、舎利殿

Bell tower in East Precinct 東院鐘楼

Bell tower in East Precinct 東院鐘楼


Signs to other temples

Best to see my Shotoku Matsuri Youtube video to hear the songs and see the dance.Held near Yokaichi Station in summer, the Yokaichi Shotoku Matsuri is a bon dance featuring Shiga's native Goshu Ondo folk song. 八日市聖徳まつり・江州音頭総おどり

Held near Yokaichi Station in summer, the Yokaichi Shotoku Matsuri is a bon dance featuring Shiga's native Goshu Ondo folk song. 八日市聖徳まつり・江州音頭総おどり

Yagura tower where the singers and musicians perform Goshu Ondo songs.

Local mascots like Gao appear on stage

Soon this street perpendicular to Yokaichi Station will be filled with dancers.

Entrance to Honmachi arcade.

Honmachi Saturday Night Market is held on the same day as the Shotoku Matsuri. 本町土曜夜市

Lots of people inside Honmachi arcade. So many people that it got quite hot. There's no real ventilation.

Yokaichi's connection with yokai comes from its place name "Yokaichi," a pun for "Land of Yokai." Although "Yokaichi" does not mean that.

Yokai parade led by Gao.

The dance begins.