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Also near Mukojima Hyakkaen Garden is Shirahige Bridge crossing Sumida River to Taito Ward (left side) and Arakawa Ward (right side). The road leads to Minowa and Minami-Senju.

Built in 1931, Shirahige Bridge was named after nearby Shirahige Shrine. Length is 167.6 meters. Amazing that it survived World War II. 白鬚橋

Shirahige Bridge over Sumida River is on the border of three wards: Sumida, Taito, and Arakawa. The original bridge was wooden built in 1914. It was a toll bridge, but didn't do well business wise due to watashi-bune commuter boats in the same area.

Sumida River from Shirahige Bridge.

Emperor Meiji visited here too.

Shirahige Bridge on the Taito Ward end.

Shirahige Bridge over Sumida River. The original wooden bridge survived the 1923 Kanto earthquake, but Tokyo government bought the bridge in 1925 and rebuilt it in 1931.

Shirahige Bridge looks the same since 1931.

Shirahige Bridge

Sumida River as seen from Shirahige Bridge.

Inside the Haiden Hall of Shirahige Shrine. People also pray at the shrine for finding a good marriage partner, conceiving a child, academic excellence (passing college entrance exams), and water/boating safety.

Haiden on left and Honden Hall on right.

Haiden on right and Honden on left.

Side view of Shirahige Shrine.

Side view of Shirahige Shrine.

Looking toward Lake Biwa.

Next to Shirahige Shrine is Wakamiya Shrine, and more smaller shrines in the rear.

Matsuo Basho haiku monument.

Murasaki Shikibu poem monument

Map of Shirahige Shrine.