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Hinohara Village Office. For a small village, this is a grand building. 檜原村役場

Drawing of Hinohara Castle

Inside Hinohara Village Office

Hinohara Village Office has a coffee shop.

Made in Hinohara, displayed in the coffee shop.

Jam made in Hinohara.

The Village Office and coffee shop has a great view of the river.

Hinohara village manhole

Hinohara Village Tourist Info Office

Inside Hinohara Village Tourist Info Office

A stately room. The governor's desk is in the right corner.

Governor's desk in the governor's former office.

Along the Kodaira Green Road is the Kodaira Furusato-mura Village, a cluster of old homes. This is the Old Kodaira Ogawa Post Office.

This Old Kodaira Ogawa Post Office was originally built in 1908. It was moved here in 1992. Front entrance to old post office.

Post office symbol on the roof.

About the old post office.

Inside the old post office.

Inside the old post office.

Mail drop inside the old post office.

Telegram station inside the old post office.

Telegram room on the left, vault on the right. 旧小平小川郵便局舎

Mail drop on the outside.

Mail drop on the outside.

Old Ogawa Post Office at Kodaira Furusato-mura Village. Open 10 am to 4 pm, closed Mon. and 3rd Tue. of the month and Dec. 27-Jan. 5. 旧小平小川郵便局舎

A back room of the old post office. 旧小平小川郵便局舎

Welcome sign in front of JR Toya Station, the closest train station to Lake Toya.

Ticket office inside JR Toya Station. Notice the G8 Summit flags.

Ticket office inside JR Toya Station with G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit flags.

Toyako Onsen Spa tourist information office with a G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome sign.

Sobetsu Town Hall with a G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome sign. Sobetsu fronts the east shore of Lake Toya.

Ticket office inside JR Toya Station. Notice the G8 Summit flags.

Ticket office inside JR Toya Station with G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit flags.

Yokosuka Post Office

Shiodome Station

Shiodome skyscrapers