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Map around Seibu Yanagisawa Station on the Seibu Shinjuku Line.

Higashi Fushimi Inari Shrine is a branch shrine of Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto. Near Seibu Yanagisawa Station on the Seibu Shinjuku Line.

Inari shrines are dedicated to business prosperity. Higashi Fushimi Inari Jinja Shrine is the headquarters of Inari shrines in eastern Japan.

Higashi Fushimi Inari Jinja Shrine was established in 1929 when the god's spirit was split from the kami at Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto.

Inari shrine's messenger is a fox.

The messenger fox holds a key to the rice granary.

The shrine looks quite new or it has been recently repainted. Colors were bright.

The kamis worshipped.

Map of the smaller inari shrines behind the main hall.

Behind the main worship hall are many smaller inari shrines and numerous torii.

Not as big or impressive as the Inari Shrine in Kyoto, but worth visiting.

Toriis were donated by companies and individuals.

A longhouse of little bars called "snacks."

I don't know how people can live in an apartment right next to the train tracks.

Bus at Yagisawa Station.

Seibu Yagisawa Station

Seibu Yagisawa Station

Map around Tanashi Station. Within walking distance is Sojiji temple and Tanashi Shrine noted for wood carvings.

Sojiji temple is a short walk from Tanashi Station. 総持寺

Gate at Sojiji temple.

Hondo main hall at Sojiji temple in Nishi-Tokyo, Tokyo. 総持寺

Keyaki cypress tree at Sojiji.

About the keyaki cypress tree at Sojiji.

Tanashi Shrine

Tanashi Shrine is noted for beautiful wood carvings.

Tanashi Shrine is dedicated to Ookuni Nushi-no-Mikoto. 大国主命(おおくにぬしのみこと)in Nishi-Tokyo, Tokyo.

Rope with little bells.

Dragon carvings at Tanashi Shrine. By coincidence, I visited in the year of the dragon, 2012. Nishi-Tokyo, Tokyo.

Phoenix wood carving at Tanashi Shrine in Nishi-Tokyo, Tokyo.

Dragon wood carving at Tanashi Shrine. By coincidence, I visited in the year of the dragon, 2012. Nishi-Tokyo, Tokyo.

Tanashi Shrine even has a small sumo ring dohyo.

About Yokozuna Taiho's connection with Tanashi Shrine. He passed away in Jan. 2013 at age 72 due to heart failure.

Yokozuna Taiho monument at Tanashi Shrine.

Fish bell

Sculpture of Lord Kusunoki Masashige

Sculpture of Lord Kusunoki Masashige

Tanashi Shrine's mikoshi portable shrines.

Tanashi Shrine's mikoshi portable shrines.

Tanashi Shrine's mikoshi portable shrines.

About Tanashi Shrine's mikoshi portable shrines.

Double Shishimai lions

Manhole showing Nishi-Tokyo's official flower.

Manhole showing Nishi-Tokyo's official tree.

Tanashi Station on the Seibu Shinjuku Line.

Outside Tanashi Station on the Seibu Shinjuku Line.

Outside Tanashi Station on the Seibu Shinjuku Line.

Outside Tanashi Station on the Seibu Shinjuku Line.

Outside Tanashi Station on the Seibu Shinjuku Line.

Outside Tanashi Station on the Seibu Shinjuku Line.

Outside Tanashi Station on the Seibu Shinjuku Line.

Outside Tanashi Station.

Tanashi Station opposite side.

Inside Tanashi Station.

Inside Tanashi Station.

Inside Tanashi Station.