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Mud Paddy. Main site of the Warabi Hadaka Matsuri held every Feb. 25.

Mimusubi Shrine, Yotsukaido, Chiba. The small shrine that conducts the festival. (皇産霊神社)

Baby Blessings at Warabi Hadaka Matsuri in Yotsukaido, Chiba. Infants are blessed in front of the shrine.

Men Take Strands of Straw

A Man and a Baby at Warabi Hadaka Matsuri in Yotsukaido, Chiba.

Babies to Mud at Warabi Hadaka Matsuri in Yotsukaido, Chiba. The men carry babies to the mud paddy and use a straw strand to paint a dot on the baby. Sometimes they use a finger to do it.

Sacred Water (and Mud). On the the left, the water feeding the paddy is enclosed by a sacred rope. This makes the water (and mud) sacred.

All the baby-carrying men must be careful not to slip and fall in the mud. Warabi Hadaka Matsuri in Yotsukaido, Chiba.

Mud Spotting, Warabi Hadaka Matsuri in Yotsukaido, Chiba. The men hold babies and use mud to paint a mud spot on the baby's face. It is to wish for happiness for the baby.

Some babies wear beautiful kimono for the occasion.

The festival is also nicknamed "Doronko Matsuri" which means Mud Festival.

Mud Fight

Keep in mind that this is in the middle of winter.

Mud Fight. After clashing and crashing to the mud, they throw mud at each other.

They are in the mud for only a few minutes. Then they go back up to the shrine nearby and warm up near a fire. They go back and forth between the shrine and mud paddy about 4 or 5 times.

A Touch of Mud. One custom is to receive a touch of mud on your face.

Mud for All Ages

Mud Brings Happiness, at Warabi Hadaka Matsuri in Yotsukaido, Chiba.

New Status Symbol at Warabi Hadaka Matsuri in Yotsukaido, Chiba.

Mud on Your Face: Fashionable, at Warabi Hadaka Matsuri in Yotsukaido, Chiba.

After warming up at the fire, they run back to the mud.

Mud Fight Round 2

Mud Slinging

I can't see... That's what he said: "Mienai" The kids nearby were screaming with laughter.

Warm Up

The End(s)

Washing their muddy feet.