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Kōgan-ji Temple (高岩寺)

Gate to Koganji temple, a famous spot along the shopping street.

Koganji temple. The temple's popular name is "Togenuki Jizo-son." It sells magic paper called osugata which supposed to remove a thorn or splinter from your skin. Affix it to the thorn and it will be extracted. とげぬき地蔵尊

Togenuki means thorn-extracting. Koganji temple incense burner

Koganji temple Hondo hall. This is a Zen temple belonging to the Soto-shu school. The temple was founded in 1596 and moved to Sugamo in 1891.

Inside Koganji temple Hondo. The temple houses the Togenuki Jizo statue which is not visible to the public.

Grounds of Koganji temple as seen from the Hondo hall.

People line up to wash the famous Kannon statue. The line gets longer on weekends.

People in line for the Arai (Washable) Kannon statue. Anybody can line up and scrub the statue. No charge.

Arai Kannon statue. Wash the part of the body to cure the corresponding part of your own body. 洗い観音

They used to have a tawashi brush to wash the statue, but that wore out the statue. So the replacement statue is now washed/rubbed with a towel instead.

Jizo statue

Jizo statue

People relax in front of the temple.