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JR Kawagoe Station 川越駅

Kawagoe Matsuri is a parade of ornate floats during the day and evening in the city's old town of traditional buildings. Around 15 floats appear during the festival. Held on the third weekend in Oct. Main road where the festival will climax in the evening.

Entrance to Honmaru Goten palace, Kawagoe Castle.

Gate to Kitain, a Tendai Buddhist temple. Part of Kawagoe's National Important Traditional Townscape Preservation District (重要伝統的建造物群保存地区).

JR Kawagoe Station plaza

One of the picturesque streets of the city.

Kitain Main hall, Kawagoe

Hon-Kawagoe Station 本川越駅

Children lead the way for a float at Kawagoe Festival.


Main hall

Toki no Kane, Time Bell Tower, symbol of Kawagoe. Part of Kawagoe's National Important Traditional Townscape Preservation District (重要伝統的建造物群保存地区). 時の鐘

Pagoda at Kitain temple, Kawagoe

There is a bell at the top which is rung 4 times a day. The bell or gong looks like a temple bell.

The bell is rung at 6 am, 12 noon, 3 pm, and 6 pm.

Tekomai geisha lead the way for a float at Kawagoe Festival.

Kura-zukuri style architecture. Local merchants built these earthen buildings after the Great Fire of Kawagoe in 1893. 蔵造りの町並み


Veranda facing a garden.

Over 500 stone statues of Rakan Buddhist disciples

Kurazukuri earthen buildings were fire-resistant, so they built these fire-resistant shops after the Great Fire. "Kura" means warehouse.

Carved during the 18th and 19th centuries.

Hill where the Fujimi Turret once stood.


Kawagoe Festival

Kawagoe Festival Museum (Kawagoe Matsuri Kaikan) 川越まつり会館

Former castle moat.

Kawagoe Festival Museum

Psst, wanna know a secret? Kitain Temple, Kawagoe

Street signs in English

Oh man, I forgot my glasses!

Shopping street

Turning the corner

Boo-hoo! My cat ran away!

Closeup of carvings on a float.

City Museum 市立博物館

Bell tower at night


Moving a float to the starting point.

Steering the float

Getting into a float.

Sporty police car.

Drag marks

Floats at night, Kawagoe Festival.

Musical battle between floats.

Each float has musicians and a performer.


Lion for good luck.