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Entrance road to JRA (Japan Racing Association) Ritto Training Center. MAP

Kachidoki (Victory) Bridge with race horse motif.

Bridge sidewalk.

Kachidoki Bridge

Map of Ritto Training Center. Horse stables dominate the area.

Welcome to the JRA office, where the free 90 min. (1 pm - 2:30 pm) tour starts. (Reservations by phone required.)

24-hour strict security in place. Since 1969, the government-run Japan Racing Association (JRA) has trained jockeys and race horses in Ritto. It offers free tours of this large, impressive facility on Sunday afternoons and early Wednesday mornings.

Starting gate training ground.

Starting gates. The left gate has the largest width for beginner horses until they can get used to the narrow gates on the right. Some horses refuse to leave the gate.

What the horse sees inside the narrow starting gate.

Practice track

Practice horse track at JRA Ritto Training Center in Ritto.

The training track consists of several different tracks with grass, dirt, or wood chips.

Horse stable model

Horse feed, mainly grain. No meats.

Swimming pool for horses. There is a circular pool and straight and narrow pools.

Horse stables, newly constructed.

Horse stables.

Unloaded a horse after a race. Horse trucks often arrived. One truck usually holds up to four horses.

Uphill training course with wood chips. 坂路調教馬場

Uphill training course with observation building. The wood chips are soft, making the horse less prone to injury.

Inside the observation building's press room.

Nice view of uphill training course. The wood chips, which eventually wear out, are replaced once a year.

View of track from press room.

Starting gate on training track.

The tour includes a ride on a retired race horse.

This one is named Meisho Ittetsu. メイショウ イッテツ

Hoof marks on sand.

Horse ride.

Horse ride with a guide guiding the horse.

No need to say giddy-up.

Washing a horse with warrm water.

Horse stables.

Horse stables.

Horse stables.

Horses in stable.

Unusual horse with a white face.

The left profile is brown.

Hi horsey!

Staff living quarters

Free gift given at the end of the tour: Pen, stapler, and ruler set. Very interesting tour even though you don't see any horses running on the track. (That's Wednesday's early morning tour.)

JRA Keiba Museum is also within the Tokyo Racecourse. Open on Wed., Thu., Sat., and Sun. from 10 am to 4 pm (or 5 pm on race days). Free admission (except for the 200 yen admission to the racecourse). JRA競馬博物館

Inside JRA Keiba Museum's Takarazuka Cup exhibit

History of horse racing.

A life-size mock-up of the starting gate. Press a button while sitting on the mannequin horse and the gate will open. Also see my YouTube video here.

Video simulation and horse ride during a race. Neat ride for kids.

Horse racing by foreign residents.


Horse exhibit.

Narita Brian, a famous racehorse.

Deep Impact