Image search results - "hamamatsu" |

The bj-league's final and championship game for the 2009-2010 season was held on May 23, 2010 at Ariake Coliseum in Koto Ward, Tokyo. Golden State Warrior Girls from California perform as special guests at the Final Four games.

Female group called S/mileage.

Osaka Evessa was the Western Conference champion. Evessa cheerleaders performed during the pregame show of the bj-league's final and championship game.

Osaka Evessa cheerleaders.

Higashi-Mikawa Hamamatsu Phoenix was the Eastern Conference champion. Phoenix Firegirls cheerleaders perform during the pregame show.

Introducing Phoenix players

bj-league championship trophy. Thought it would be bigger than that. Lots of women camera operators these days too.

Pregame practice by both teams.

Singer of national anthem.

Singing the national anthem.

Introducing Evessa players

Introducing Phoenix players

Championship game tip off

Evessa in black and Phoenix in orange jersey.

Evessa boosters booing a free throw by Phoenix.

Free throw

Osaka Evessa trailed behind Phoenix throughout most of the game.

Wendell White (14) got the bj-league's regular-season MVP award for 2009-2010.

Halftime show of all cheerleaders from Evessa, Phoenix, and Golden State Warrior Girls at center.

Phoenix Firegirls

Osaka Evessa cheerleaders

Phoenix mascot with fans.

English card game questions at halftime.

English card game. Find the card with the correct answer to the questions.

Phoenix Firegirls cheerleaders on the sidelines.

Jump shot

Phoenix Firegirls cheerleaders

Phoenix Firegirls cheerleaders

Phoenix Firegirls and mascot form a V.

Golden State Warrior Girls cheerleaders

Golden State Warrior Girls from California.

Phoenix coaches

Evessa coach

Phoenix Firegirls rush into the court at the end of their victorious game.

Phoenix coach tossed.

Phoenix coach interviewed.

bj league championship trophy held high.

Victorious Phoenix

bj league championship ring

MVP award

TV cameras and press occupy an entire block of seats in the prime area of the cheap seats.

Osaka Evessa cheerleaders take a bow.

Osaka Evessa cheerleaders shake hands with boosters as they are in tears. It was their second time to lose a championship game.

Osaka Evessa players shake hands with boosters.

Phoenix group photo

bj league championship trophy held high.

Hoop net cutting.

Firegirls shake hands with boosters.

Phoenix players shake hands with boosters.

Lookout deck on the World Trade Center in Hamamatsucho.

Great views of Tokyo from the World Trade Center Building (世界貿易センタービル) in Hamamatsuchō, Tokyo.

Bird's eye view of Kyu-Shiba Rikyu Gardens as seen from Hamamatsu World Trade Center.

Bird's eye view of Kyu-Shiba Rikyu Gardens as seen from Hamamatsu World Trade Center

Looking north toward Shimbashi.

Looking south toward Shinagawa.

Tokyo Tower as seen from Hamamatsucho.

Tokyo Tower

Tokyo Tower as seen from WTC Hamamatsucho.

Zojoji temple

Shinkansen snakes its way through.

Monorail to Haneda

Hamamatsu Castle is next to the city hall, a short bus ride from JR Hamamatsu Station (or a 20-min. walk). The main tower (seen on the left) was reconstructed in 1958. Very easy climb up some steps to the main tower which is a ferroconcrete building housing a museum. The top floor gives a nice panorama of the city. The castle's most famous occupant was Tokugawa Ieyasu in the late 17th century before he moved to Sumpu Castle.

In 2014, the castle gate (seen on the right) was reconstructed in the traditional style.

Hamamatsu Castle is within a wooded park.

About Hamamatsu Castle

Hamamatsu Castle Park map

Only a short flight of steps to reach the main castle tower (museum).

Castle Gate

Castle Gate was reconstructed in 2014. 天守門

Hamamatsu Castle

Hamamatsu Castle

Stone walls of Hamamatsu Castle are famous for the nozura-zumi style (野面積み) with smaller rocks filling the gaps between bigger, irregular rocks.

About the the nozura-zumi rock walls. 野面積み

About the main castle tower's foundation.

Hamamatsu Castle

Hamamatsu Castle's main tower within the castle tower bailey. 天守曲輪

Ii Naotora cutout for photos.

About the castle tower bailey. 天守曲輪

Protruding foundation called the Hachiman-dai.

Protruding foundation called the Hachiman-dai.

About the Hachiman-dai.

Castle well

About the Castle well. One of three wells the castle had.

Steps to the entrance of the main castle tower.

Inside Hamamatsu Castle's main tower, a museum with local historical artifacts. A small admission is charged.

Map showing many places in Hamamatsu having a connection with Ieyasu.

Ii Naotora's armor. Must be a replica.

Realistic sculpture of Tokugawa Ieyasu around age 30 in Hamamatsu Castle. Created for Ieyasu's 400th anniversary.

For a small castle museum, it has a lot of stuff.

Matchlock gun and battle fan.

Floor plan of the castle palace.

List of Hamamatsu Castle lords.


Samurai armor

Samurai armor

About Hamamatsu as a post town.

Scale model of Hamamatsu during the Edo Period.

Model of Hamamatsu Castle when it was built with snow at the Sapporo Snow Festival.

Go up the stairs to the top floor for the lookout deck.

Hamamatsu Castle's top floor has a nice lookout deck, but it is enclosed by a wire mesh. (Hard to take photos.)

Castle Gate

City hall

Picture panels show the landmarks seen from the castle tower.

Hotel Concord Hamamatsu in the distance.

View of Hamamatsu Castle from the Hotel Concord.


In the basement of the castle tower is this well.

Castle well inside the main tower.

Inari Shrine

Inari Shrine

Castle Gate reconstructed in 2014.

About the Castle Gate (Tenshumon).

Castle Gate stone wall.

About the Castle Gate's rock wall.

Under the Castle Gate.

Castle Gate door.

Castle Gate ceiling.

On the left is the Hamamatsu Castle's main castle tower, and the Castle Gate is on the right. You can enter the Castle Gate.

Castle Gate is still spanking new.

Inside the Castle Gate.

Inside the Castle Gate rebuilt in the traditional style with wood.

Slit to drop rocks on an invading army.

About the Castle Gate's structure.

Castle Gate rocks

Castle Gate's "Mirror Stone."

About Mirror Stones.

Castle gate

Turret site

Ninomaru in the distance.

About the Ninomaru bailey.