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Walk until you reach Caban Street. "Caban" or "kaban" means "bag." Not shopping bag, but ladies' bags, briefcases, etc.カバンストリート

Caban Street is lined with several bag shops. カバンストリート

Toyobra bag shop on Caban Street.

Toyobra bag shop on Caban Street.

Caban Street in Toyooka, Hyogo. カバンストリート

Caban Street's most prominent bag shop is this one called Artisan Avenue. The front has a woven basket motif. Toyooka, Hyogo Prefecture.

How Toyooka became a bag-producing city.

Artisan Avenue sells high-end bags of all kinds made in Toyooka. These ones are similar to the ones that were first made in Toyooka.

There are many bag companies here, most are high-end bags costing tens of thousands of yen. Some of them supply materials to world-famous bag makers.

Nice bags at Artisan Avenue.

Insde Artisan Avenue.

Another bag shop on Caban Street.

Caban Street also had this place to repair or clean your bag.

Caban Street also had this place to repair or clean your bag.

On the left is a cloth bag vending machine.

On Caban Street, this drink vending machine designed like a bag. Toyooka, Hyogo.

Even the mail box on Caban Street is designed like a bag...Their official website: