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Tokyo Dome on March 3, 2006, the first day of the WBC's Asian Round.

Tokyo Dome

Front entrance to Tokyo Dome. Japan plays its first WBC game and the opponent is China.

Chinese team is introduced.

Sekigahara saw one of Japan's most pivotal battles on Oct. 21, 1600 (Sept. 15 of Keicho 5) between Tokugawa Ieyasu's Eastern Forces and Toyotomi Hideyoshi loyalist Ishida Mitsunari's Western Forces. Ieyasu's victory in the Battle of Sekigahara sealed Japan's historical fate for the next 250 years. The former battlefield is dotted with monuments indicating the positions of various warlords during the battle.
This photo shows Mt. Momokubari where Tokugawa Ieyasu first set up his base camp for the Battle of Sekigahara. It is next to busy Route 21. A short distance east of Sekigahara Station. The former Sekigahara battlefield has numerous monuments.

Banners and a monument mark the spot on Mt. Momokubari where Tokugawa Ieyasu's first base camp was established during the Battle of Sekigahara on Sept. 15, 1600.

Ieyasu and his troops were here from about 6 am to 10 am on the day of the Sekigahara battle. He later moved closer to the front line as the battle was going his way. This is a National Historic Place. 桃配山 徳川家康最初陣跡

Steps going up to Tokugawa Ieyasu's first base camp at Momokubari during the Battle of Sekigahara on Oct. 21, 1600 (Sept. 15 of Keicho 5). Today it's just a small hill. The highway seemed to have cut through most of it.

Steps going up to Tokugawa Ieyasu's first base camp during the Battle of Sekigahara.

At the top, see the two large rocks which served as a table and bench for Ieyasu. 家康の腰掛岩と机石

Monuments marking Tokugawa Ieyasu's first base camp during the Battle of Sekigahara. The banners have the Tokugawa family crest.

View of the Sekigahara battlefield from Tokugawa Ieyasu's first base camp at Momokubari.

Monument marking Tokugawa Ieyasu's first base camp during the Battle of Sekigahara.

Another smaller monument marking Tokugawa Ieyasu's first base camp during the Battle of Sekigahara.

Sign explaining that the two rocks below were said to be used as a bench and table for Ieyasu.

Behind the monuments is a trail probably used by Ieyasu's troops on Mt. Momokubari-yama.

Japan's National Anthem is played.

Tommy Lasorda after throwing the flubbed first pitch.He just threw the ball right on the ground like he wanted to throw it away. It wasn't a pitch at all. What was his problem?

Crowd behind homeplate. 16,000 yen seats.

China at bat.

Pitcher Koji Uehara, originally from the Yomiuri Giants.Unfortunately, Daisuke Matsusaka did not pitch this night.

Ichiro in right field.

Ichiro at bat

Ichiro at bat

Right to left: Ichiro hits and reaches 1st base.

Ichiro at 1st base.

Thanks to a homer by a teammate, Ichiro trots past 3rd base.

Ichiro and another go round 3rd base as China looks on helplessly.

Ichiro reaches home as the umpire makes sure Ichiro steps on homeplate.

Head coach Sadaharu Oh (extreme right).Also on the left, see Ichiro in the dugout.

China's pitcher and catcher in a conference.

Tokyo Dome

Ichiro at bat. Japan wins 18-2.

Following the USS Midway, the USS Independence was the second forward-deployed US aircraft carrier in Japan. It was based in Yokosuka during 1991-98.

I went with a group to tour the USS Independence while it was homeported at Yokosuka. All the planes were gone, flown to Atsugi.

CV-62 Freedom's Flagship is nicknamed "Indy." Commissioned in 1959.


Bow and anchor

Riding on the elevator to the flight deck.

The elevator is normally used to carry planes up to the flight deck.

Flight deck of the USS Independence. The island or control tower can be seen.

Control tower of the Indy.

Flight deck of the USS Independence.


We all received a cap.

Nets along the edge function as a safety net for any crew who has to jump off the flight deck.

The flight deck is dotted with these lugs used to tie down the planes.

Fan tail



Inside the bridge


"Welcome aboard!"

Captain's seat. We took turns sitting on it for pictures.

View of the flight deck from the bridge.

Bridge windows

Inside the USS Independence

Submarine moored in the next berth.


Hangar below deck. The USS Independence was decommissioned in Sept. 1998.

This is the USS Midway which I also toured with a group while it was still homeported in Yokosuka during 1973-1991. The first US aircraft carrier to be homeported outside the US.

Flight deck of the USS Midway.

USS Midway control tower

USS Midway flight deck

There were no planes on the carrier when we visited. They were all at Atsugi. This jet was gutted and used only for ground crew training.

Elevator on USS Midway

USS Midway hangar. The ship is now a museum in San Diego, California.

Iruma Air Base is near Inariyama Koen Station on the Seibu Ikebukuro Line (40-50 min. from Ikebukuro). This is the crowd leaving the train platform at around 9 am.

A record-breaking 280,000 attended the Iruma Air Show on Nov. 3, 2010. The festivities started at 9 am and admission was free. This was also a super sunny day.

They inspected our bags and even had a German Shepherd dog.

It would take maybe only 5 min. reach Iruma Base from the train station, but it took us at least 25 min. with numerous stop-and-go crowd control.

Trying to cross the train tracks. Another bottleneck as trains always pass by.

Finally getting nearer to Iruma Air Base, the Japan Air Self-Defense Forces' largest air base.

The first thing I saw was this YS-11 flying around. They had a parade and Miss Air Show contest, but I was too late for that.

This was the 42nd Iruma Air Show on Nov. 3, 2010.

YS-11 landed.

This is a U-125 plane which was also flying and had landed when we got to the air base.

Even at around 9:30 am, a huge crowd.

At the front line in front of the Blue Impulse Aerobatic planes.

Blue Impulse jets parked front and center.

Blue Impulse jet

More photos of the Blue Impulse later on below.

Next were three Kawasaki C-1 transport jets taking off.

C-1 flying over Blue Impulse.

Another Kawasaki C-1 military transport jet taking off. It has the Japan Air Self-Defense Force livery.

Kawasaki C-1 has been around since the 1970s.

The three Kawasaki C-1 in formation during a fly-by.

The Kawasaki C-1 return to release parachute troopers.

Kawasaki C-1 for a parachute drop at Iruma Air Show in Saitama.

The three Kawasaki C-1 jets dropped parachuters onto Iruma Air Base.

I've never seen so many parachutists in an air show before.


A squadron of T-4 trainer jets perform semi-aerobatics.

T-4 trainer jets

They didn't release any smoke.

T-4 trainer jet lands.

UH-60J rescue helicopter demo.

CH-47J Chinook helicopter demonstrates cargo transport. They had something flying in the air almost non-stop all morning until around lunch time.

The crowd. Behind is a large hangar where they had aircraft displays.

The crowd waits for the Blue Impulse.

As 1:15 pm approaches, the crowd gets bigger and more eager to watch the Blue Impulse, seen here in the background.

I waded up to near the front row at around 12:30 pm to await the Blue Impulse to take off. Blue Impulse is Japan's foremost aerobatic team belonging to the Japan Air Self-Defense Force.

The Blue Impulse flies Kawasaki T-4 jets since 1995. They were established in 1960, inspired by the Thunderbirds of the US Air Force.

This ground crew of a Blue Impulse T-4 includes a woman.

Pilot putting on his helmet. This year in 2010 happens to be the 50th anniversary of the Blue Impulse team established in 1960.

Seven Blue Impulse planes were on display, but only six of them flew. Blue Impulse is based at Matsushima Air Base in Miyagi Prefecture. They have a busy performance schedule from April to Dec. ブルーインパルスの曲技飛行

Ready to leave for the runway.

As the jets taxied off, the pilots waved to the crowd.

Blue Impulse Kawasaki T-4

Blue Impulse Kawasaki T-4

The jet blast from the T-4 wasn't so bad, but it did blow away a few caps on our heads.

Blue Impulse head for the runway at Iruma Air Base.

And now here they come in all their glory, the Blue Impulse Aerobatic Team.

All these formations and aerobatic maneuvers all have a name. This is the Diamond Formation.

Two more Blue Impulse jets later took off.

Spectacular formations.

Blue Impulse Aerobatic Team at Iruma Air Show.

Flying upside down.

The smoke color was either white or gray.

Thrilling show, but the element of danger is always present. The Blue Impulse have had a few fatal accidents.

Star Cross: Smokey star in the sky. They also drew a Valentine heart, complete with an arrow. Also see my YouTube video here.

This Tack Cross has one jet flying straight while the other is spiraling around it. Quite spectacular.

The crowd cheers wildly as the Blue Impulse returns. They performed until around 2:30 pm. The festival ended at 3 pm when many of the planes on display took off for home.

Iruma Air Show Blue Impulse video 2010.

Sikorsky SH-60J Seahawk anti-submarine warfare helicopter

Sikorsky SH-60J Seahawk

UH-60J rescue helicopter is based on the Black Hawk copter.

This U-125A plane is for search and rescue operations. A good number and variety of planes were also on display. Some of them were flown during the air show.


T-7 trainer plane

F-2 fighter plane.

Tail of F-2 fighter plane.

F-2 fighter

RF-4E reconnaissance plane based on the McDonnell F-4 Phantom.

RF-4E reconnaissance plane is equipped with cameras for photographing disaster areas, etc.

RF-4E reconnaissance plane

Why is Woody Woodpecker on the tail?


U-125A search and rescue plane

One interesting display were these Patriot missile launchers.

Patriot PAC-3J

MIM-104 Patriot surface-to-air missile system

Engagement Control Station (ECS) for the Patriot missile system.

The Iruma Air Show also had a VIP section for invited guests here at one end of the site. Prime view of take-offs and landings on the runway.

More helicopters.

Grumman E-2C Hawkeye Airborne Early Warning (AEW) aircraft with wings folded back. It can serve on an aircraft carrier.

U-4 is based on a Gulfstream IV.

C-130 Hercules in sky blue.

C-130 Hercules for the Japan Air Self-Defence Force

The cockpit of this F-15J fighter plane was open for public viewing.


Chinook helicopter

Kawasaki C-1 military transport plane

Kawasaki C-1 military transport plane. We couldn't go inside any of the planes.

Fire dept. at Iruma Air Base.

Helicopter insignia

Iruma Air Base control tower

This aircraft hangar had a entertainment stage.

Entertainment stage inside a hangar.

Another aircraft hangar had aircraft displays and other things.

T-4 trainer jet suspended above ground.

This aircraft is suspended so that the wheels don't touch the ground.

They held demonstrations of the T-4's landing gear going up and down.

Display of aircraft engines.

Aircraft engine

Aircraft engine

Pilot's ejection seat

Ejected pilot's parachute

Ejected pilot

Trying on parachute.

Life vests

Life rafts

Life rafts

Shopping area was also very crowded with food booths and souvenir shops.

Souvenir shop

Crowd going home. It's a good idea to buy a round-trip ticket at Ikebukuro Station so you don't have to buy a return ticket here.

Train station entrance.

Chiba Marine Stadium is next to the ocean behind the Makuhari Messe convention center. Near JR Kaihin-Makuhari Station on the Keiyo Line, about 40 min. from Tokyo Station.

Outside JR Kaihin-Makuhari Station is a monument for the Chiba Lotte Marines pro baseball team. The stadium might be a little too far to walk if you're carrying heavy camera equipment. Take a taxi.

Chiba Marine Stadium or QVC Marine Field. Food trucks are outside on game days. Since it's next to the ocean, it can get chilly in cooler months.

Dining area for food trucks.

Table top

We went to see a game between Chiba Lotte Marines and Nippon Ham Fighters on Oct. 5, 2015.

Food stalls are not too popular since most fans seem to prefer to buy food inside the stadium and eat at their seats while gazing at the baseball field.

Entrance to Chiba Marine Stadium or QVC Marine Field.

Chiba Lotte Marines is not one of the super popular baseball teams so it was easy to get tickets.

Chiba Lotte Marines cheerleaders and mascot greet you as you enter the QVC Marine Field.

They really make you feel welcome while shaking their pom-poms.

Gauntlet of Chiba Lotte Marines cheerleaders at Chiba Marine Stadium for a baseball game.