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Awards ceremony

A representative from each winning team went to receive a medal and Lake Biwa Rowing Song CD. Each team had 5 members, so 5 CDs per team.

The Lake Biwa Rowing Song CDs were donated by Philbert Ono.

The junior category team receive their medals and CDs.

The beautiful 15-page program included an ad for the Lake Biwa Rowing Song CD.

Awards for nine racing categories. The Lake Biwa Rowing Song CD was also donated by Philbert Ono as one of the prizes.

Writing the winner's name on award certificates.

Ichikawa Kiyoshi, head of the Takashima-Imazu Rowing Club NPO, gives the awards to the winners. The Lake Biwa Rowing Song was also played in the background. 「琵琶湖周航の歌」英語版CDも一つの賞品として寄付しました。