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Near JR Abiko Station, there are some sights near Lake Teganuma as shown on this sign in front of JR Abiko Station (JR Joban Line). Lake Tega Park, Bird Museum, and old villa sites.

Lake Tega was where some Japanese literary figures and celebs had lakeside villas. They included judo founder Kano Jingoro, writer Mushanokoji Saneatsu, novelist Shiga Naoya, and British potter Bernard Leach.

Sights near Lake Teganuma.

After getting off the bus, walked to Mizu no Yakata.

Lake Tega lakeside path is lined with cherry trees. Should be nice in spring, but I visited in winter.

Lake Teganuma

Welcome to Lake Teganuma.

Much of Teganuma has been reclaimed to create rice paddies. It has been split into two bodies of water. The other lake is further south, named Shimotega.

Small sculpture in Lake Teganuma.

Small sculpture in Lake Teganuma, Abiko, Chiba.

Lake Tega Water Park would have kids playing in the water in summer.

Lake Tega Water Park

Lake Tega Water Park

Mizu no Yakata (Water Pavilion) facing Lake Teganuma is a local community center with a local produce market, meeting rooms, and a lookout tower.

Mizu no Yakata (Water Pavilion) lookout tower in Abiko, Chiba. The lookout deck is round, giving a 360˚ panorama of the surrounding area.

View from Mizu no Yakata (Water Pavilion) lookout tower.

View of Lake Teganuma from Mizu no Yakata (Water Pavilion) lookout tower.

View of Lake Teganuma from Mizu no Yakata (Water Pavilion) lookout tower.

View of Lake Teganuma from Mizu no Yakata (Water Pavilion) lookout tower.

View of Lake Teganuma from Mizu no Yakata (Water Pavilion) lookout tower. Looking toward Tega Ohashi Bridge which first opened in 1964 and expanded to 4 lanes in 2001..

View of Lake Teganuma from Mizu no Yakata (Water Pavilion) lookout tower. Looking toward Lake Tega Park.

View behind Mizu no Yakata (Water Pavilion) lookout tower.

About the picture made with 126,840 colored toothpicks.

Picture of the lake made with 126,840 colored toothpicks.

Picture made with colored toothpicks.

Closeup of a picture made with 126,840 colored toothpicks.

Mizu no Yakata also has a small exhibition room of local wildlife. Lake fish here.

Mizu no Yakata also has a small exhibition room of local wildlife.

Mizu no Yakata also has a small exhibition room of local wildlife.

Second floor of Mizu no Yakata is where you can rest.

Book about Abiko's past celebrities.

Book about Abiko's past celebrities.

Walking along Lake Tega to Lake Tega Park.

Tunnel below the road.

Walking along Lake Teganuma.

Lakefront construction.

Walking along Lake Teganuma.

Small park for past literary figures who were active in Abiko.

The park was mostly closed due to renovations..

Plaque for novelist Shiga Naoya.

Lake Tega Park 手賀沼公演

Lake Tega Park 手賀沼公演

Lake Tega Park's most scenic area. 手賀沼公演

With clear lakeside views, finally seems like you're at a lake here.

Lake Teganuma, Abiko, Chiba.

Swans and ducks on Lake Teganuma.

Lake Teganuma

Lake Teganuma has rental boats.

Peace monument at Lake Teganuma or Lake Tega Park.

Peace monument at Lake Teganuma or Lake Tega Park.

About the Peace monument at Lake Teganuma or Lake Tega Park.

Rental boats at Lake Teganuma.

Boat rental rates.

Lake Teganuma map. Possible to walk back to Abiko Station.