University of Tokyo Hongo Campus 東京大学

University of Tokyo Hongo Campus is the main campus. It is near Hongo-sanchome Station on the Marunouchi subway line.The red arrow points to the main gate of the university’s Faculty of Agriculture.

Main gate of the University of Tokyo’s Faculty of Agriculture.

Near the main gate of the University of Tokyo’s Faculty of Agriculture is the statue of Hachiko reunited with its master.

The Hachiko statue is on an empty lawn at the Faculty of Agriculture where Hachiko's master Hidesaburo Ueno (1871-1925), a professor of agricultural engineering, taught.

The statue was unveiled on March 8, 2015, the 80th anniversary of the death of Hachiko in 1935.

Hachiko's master Professor Ueno died during a lecture on campus in 1925.

The statue has been widely lauded in and outside Japan. Like the Hachiko statue at Shibuya Station, this statue is destined to be one of the most beloved in Japan.

University of Tokyo’s agriculture department erected the bronze statue with donations from individuals and companies since 2014 and collected more than 10 million yen.

Smiling professor.

Akamon Gate is the symbol of University of Tokyo's Hongo Campus. A remnant of the Maeda Clan's estate here. 赤門

Back of Akamon Gate.

Main gate

Buildings are distinguished looking.

Yasuda Hall is another symbol of University of Tokyo. 安田講堂

A few cherry trees on campus.

Sanshiro Pond and surrounding garden was part of the Maeda Clan's estate. 三四郎池

Some koi fish in Sanshiro Pond.

About Sanshiro Pond.

Hongo-sanchome Station