Menuma Shodenzan Kangiin Temple 妻沼聖天山

Menuma Shodenzan Kangiin temple is Saitama Prefecture's sole building designated as a National Treasure. The main Honden Hall is a magnificent work of art with numerous wooden sculptures.

Menuma Shodenzan Kangiin temple features the colorful Gongen-style of architecture which is also found in Toshogu Shrine in Nikko, Tochigi.

Mural near the bus stop at Menuma Shoden.

Way to Kisomon Gate, the main gate to Shodenzan.

Kisomon Gate is an Important Cultural Property. 貴惣門

Kisomon Gate was built in 1855. 貴惣門

About Kisomon Gate

Jizo statue near Kisomon Gate

Jizo statue near Kisomon Gate

Kisomon Gate

Kisomon Gate

Kisomon Gate wooden carvings.

Kisomon Gate wooden carvings.

Kisomon Gate wooden carvings.

Kisomon Gate wooden carvings.

Both sides of Kisomon Gate has three gables called "sanhafu." Very unusual.

Kisomon Gate is very unusual for its triple gables.

Kisomon Gate is very unusual for its triple gables.

Menuma Shodenzan's Kisomon Gate has three gables called "sanhafu." Very unusual. Kumagaya, Saitama

Way to the main temple.

Statue of Lord Saito Sanemori, Heian Period warrior who lived in Kumagaya. 斎藤実盛

Kannon statue

Map of Shodenzan grounds.

Gomado Hall 護摩堂

Nakamon Gate 中門

Niomon Gate 仁王門

Niomon Gate 仁王門

Niomon Gate 仁王門

Niomon Gate 仁王門

Bell at Niomon Gate 仁王門

Looking toward the front of the Honden Hall.

In front of the Honden Hall is this stone stage.

About the Stone Stage.

Daishi-do Hall and sumo ring

Suigyo-do has a water well.

Suigyo-do has a water well for water ablutions.

Daishi-do Hall 大師堂

Inside Daishi-do Hall 大師堂

Kannon inside Daishi-do Hall 大師堂

Daishi-do Hall 大師堂

Sumo ring 相撲場

Incense burner in front of Honden Hall

Menuma Shodenzan Honden Hall, front side 本殿

Menuma Shodenzan Honden Hall 本殿

Menuma Shodenzan Honden Hall 本殿

Menuma Shodenzan Honden Hall 本殿

Menuma Shodenzan Honden Hall 本殿

ABout Menuma Shodenzan Honden Hall 本殿

Fire extinguisher

Entrance to view the rear part of the Honden Hall. Admission is 700 yen. Open 10 am - 4 pm

Front part of the Honden Hall.

The magnfiicent back part of the Honden can be seen.

The back part of the Honden is surrounded by this fence, but you can enter the fence and look at the colorful exterior up close.

However, you cannot enter the building.

Guided tours are provided at certain times. Only in Japanese though.

Menuma Shodenzan temple

Menuma Shodenzan Kangiin temple was built during 1735 to 1760, taking 25 years.

These colorful woodcarvings were once all faded to bare wood after 250 years under the weather.

Taking seven years from 2003 to 2010, the temple was painstakingly restored to its former splendor. The magnificent result was open for public viewing from June 1, 2011. In May 2012, it was designated as a National Treasure.

Menuma Shodenzan Kangiin temple, a National Treasure in Kumagaya, Saitama. 歓喜院聖天堂 奥殿の彫刻

Numerous woodcarvings depict a variety of scenes.

Playing go.

Monkeys supporting the building on all three sides.

Name of a donor.

This monkey has a child.

Sumo wrestling

JR Kumagaya Station, north entrance

Bus stop No. 6 near JR Kumagaya Station's North exit for Menuma Shodenzan.

Bus to Menuma Shodenzan.

Manhole at Kumagaya, Saitama Prefecture