
JR Toya Station is the closest train station to Lake Toya. From this station, take a bus or taxi. There are also other buses going to Lake Toya from other places such as Sapporo and Date.

JR Toya Station is on the JR Muroran Line. There are express trains going directly to/from Sapporo.

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit Welcome sign in front of JR Toya Station.

The summit welcome sign in front of JR Toya Station also lists environmental activities by local groups. Converting waste vegetable oil to diesel fuel, using snow for refrigeration, etc.

Toya Station platform and local train.

Some trains are decorated with G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome sign.

Welcome banner on train platform.

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome poster.

Entrance to Toya Station from the train platform.

Inside JR Toya Station.

Ticket office inside JR Toya Station. Notice the G8 Summit flags.

Ticket office inside JR Toya Station with G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit flags.

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit merchandise: Confections sold at the train station kiosk.

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit merchandise: Confections sold at the train station kiosk.

Glass door with G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome sticker.

Bus stop in front of Toya Station with Toyako town's slogan: Town of greenery, lake waters, and heartful encounters.

Local students from Abuta High School help beautify Toya Station.

Next to Toya Station is the Toyako Town Hall, also with a G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome sign.

Toyako Town Hall, front side, festooned with G8 Summit flags.

The ocean beach near Toya Station.

Toya Station platform and sign for outgoing passengers: "See you again!" (Mata no okoshi wo)