
Hachiman-bori is quite long and it even connects to Lake Biwa. The main part of moat is about 1 km long. I started walking here on the west end near the Omi-Hachiman Public Library. MAP

Hachiman-bori is also part of the National Important Traditional Townscape Preservation District (重要伝統的建造物群保存地区).

If the cherry blossoms are in bloom, I recommend walking along the canal from the west end since the sun will be on your back and on the flowers.

The cherry trees start from near the Omi-Hachiman Public Library. They continue all the way to the main torii of Himure Hachimangu Shrine.

Also during sakura season, the yakata-bune boats offer moat rides for 1,000 yen for adults. Boats leave from near The Kawara Roof Tile Museum on the east end of the moat.

I was in Omi-Hachiman to see the Hachiman Matsuri fire festival on April 14. I was lucky to find the cherries in full bloom at Hachiman-bori moat on a sunny day.

Perfect day to shoot cherry blossoms.

Mt. Hachiman-yama is in the background. An aerial tramway goes up the mountain which was the site of Hachiman Castle.

A few bridges also cross the moat. This is Meijibashi Bridge. 明治橋

Bridge in Osugi-cho. 大杉町

Yakata-bune tourist boat cruising through Hachiman-bori moat in Omi-Hachiman.

You can easily walk along the entire moat except for this section which is a little flooded. My waterproof shoes came in handy.

Hachiman-bori's highest concentration of cherry blossoms is near Hakuunbashi Bridge.

This bridge leads to Himure Hachimangu Shrine (to the left). This is the heart of Hachiman-bori moat.

Near Hakuunbashi Bridge, you can see two of the giant torches to be lit for the Hachiman Matsuri fire festval later in the evening.

Being the heart of Hachiman-bori, Hakuunbashi Bridge is where the sakura is concentrated the most. 白雲橋

Hakuunbashi Bridge and stone lantern. 白雲橋

View from Hakuunbashi Bridge. 白雲橋

View from Hakuunbashi Bridge. 白雲橋

Beyond Hakuunbashi Bridge, the moat goes to Kawara Roof Tile Museum and the moat boat dock. The cherry trees also stop, but there a few more on the far end of the most.

Unique, but controversial, bridge supported by two boats underneath.

Near the Kawara Roof Tile Museum is this dock where you board the moat boat. Fare is 1,000 yen for adults.

Kawara Roof Tile Museum

Kawara Roof Tile Museum in spring.

Kawara Roof Tile Museum's weeping cherry tree.

Kawara Roof Tile Museum's koinobori carp streamers and weeping cherry tree.

Kawara Roof Tile Museum

Kawara Roof Tile Museum's ground is covered with roof tiles, looking like cobblestones.

Outdoor sculpture at Kawara Roof Tile Museum, Omi-Hachiman, Shiga

Formerly a primary school built in 1877, Haku'unkan is now a tourist info office, souvenir shop, and exhibition space (2nd floor). 白雲館

Inside 1st floor of Haku'unkan. The building was beautifully restored in 1994.

2nd floor exhibition space of Haku'unkan.

Omi-Hachiman's manhole depicts Hachiman-bori moat adorned with cherry blossoms. Shiga Prefecture.

Another sakura spot is Hachiman Park next to Omi-Hachiman Pubic Library on the west end of the moat. 八幡公園

Hachiman Park cherry blossoms.

Hachiman Park is at the foot of Mt. Hachiman-yama.

Map of Hachiman Park.

Way to Toyotomi Hidetsugu statue.

Statue of Toyotomi Hidetsugu at Hachiman Park in Omi-Hachiman, Shiga.

Statue of Toyotomi Hidetsugu at Hachiman Park in Omi-Hachiman, Shiga.

Toyotomi Hidetsugu (豊臣 秀次 1568 – 1595) was a nephew and retainer of warlord Toyotomi Hideyoshi who lived during the Sengoku period of the 16th century.

Hachiman-bori goes all the way to Lake Biwa. This is toward the west end of the moat.