
There are several companies that offer suigo boat rides in Lake Nishinoko in Omi-Hachiman. One of them is at this place in Maruyama. They use human-powered boats. MAP

Boat schedule and price in the old days. ¥2,100 per person. You can also charter a boat.

It's called "Suigo Meguri" (waterway cruise). Following the boat driver/captain.

Docked boats.

The Suigo boat ride in waterways connected to Lake Biwa and Nishinoko is a major tourist attraction in Omi-Hachiman.

We head for Lake Nishi-no-ko.

Our boat paddler uses a long, slender paddle/rudder stick. We (two of us) were the only ones on the boat which normally seats 6 people.

Lots of reeds, essential for the lake's ecosystem. They cleanse the water among other things.

Reeds provide cover for bird nests and baby birds.

Lake Nishinoko.

Small shrine


Motorized boats. We thought that human-powered boats were definitely more pleasant than these motorized boats.

Going back.

Our boat paddler.

Very pleasant outing.