Home > GIFU 岐阜県 > Ena 恵那市 > Enakyo Gorge 恵那峡
There are buses running from JR Ena Station to Enakyo Gorge, but they run very infrequently. Since the next bus was a one-hour wait (and 15-min. ride), I decided to walk it and not miss the sunny day. I was told it would take 1 hour. Or ¥2,000 by taxi.
Keywords: gifu ena

There are buses running from JR Ena Station to Enakyo Gorge, but they run very infrequently. Since the next bus was a one-hour wait (and 15-min. ride), I decided to walk it and not miss the sunny day. I was told it would take 1 hour. Or ¥2,000 by taxi.

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