Home > GIFU 岐阜県 > Ibigawa 揖斐川町 > Tanigumi-san Kegonji Temple 谷汲山 華厳寺
Tanigumi-san is also one of the 33 Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage temples in western Japan (西国三十三所). It's the last temple (No. 33) on the Saigoku pilgrimage as this stone marker indicates. It's the only one not in western Japan.
Keywords: gifu ibigawa tanigumi-san kegonji temple tendai Buddhist

Tanigumi-san is also one of the 33 Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage temples in western Japan (西国三十三所). It's the last temple (No. 33) on the Saigoku pilgrimage as this stone marker indicates. It's the only one not in western Japan.

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