Home > GIFU 岐阜県 > Ibigawa 揖斐川町 > Tanigumi-san Kegonji Temple 谷汲山 華厳寺
Tanigumi-san (谷汲山 華厳寺) is a Tendai Buddhist temple noted for numerous autumn foliage, especially red maple leaves. Also called Kegonji Temple.It has a nice path to the temple lined with autumn leaves in November. 
Keywords: gifu ibigawa tanigumi-san kegonji temple tendai Buddhist autumn leaves foliage

Tanigumi-san (谷汲山 華厳寺) is a Tendai Buddhist temple noted for numerous autumn foliage, especially red maple leaves. Also called Kegonji Temple.It has a nice path to the temple lined with autumn leaves in November.

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