Home > OKINAWA 沖縄県 > YAEYAMA ISLANDS 八重山諸島 > Ishigaki 石垣市・石垣島 > Banna Park バンナ公園
Banna Park on Banna Hill (230m elevation) in the northern fringe of central Ishigaki is a large nature & recreational park. This is one of the main lookout points. Named "Emerald Ocean Lookout Point" overlooking the city center and nearby is
This is in Zone B of the park along the Banna Skyline road. This photo was taken before the stargazing platform was built next to it. エメラルドの海を見る展望台
Keywords: okinawa Ishigaki Banna Park

Banna Park on Banna Hill (230m elevation) in the northern fringe of central Ishigaki is a large nature & recreational park. This is one of the main lookout points. Named "Emerald Ocean Lookout Point" overlooking the city center and nearby is

This is in Zone B of the park along the Banna Skyline road. This photo was taken before the stargazing platform was built next to it. エメラルドの海を見る展望台

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