Home > TOKYO 東京都 > Chiyoda-ku 千代田区

Last additions - Chiyoda-ku 千代田区
10:23 am: They wave to the crowd again. From left to right is the Crown Prince, the Emperor, the Empress, and Prince and Princess Akishino.It was very difficult to get a good shot of them since so many flags were in the way. I had to hold the camera overhead above the flags and shoot almost blindly with my telephoto lens. Luckily, I managed to get a few decent closeup shots.Nov 06, 2005
10:22 am: The Emperor speaks. When the Emperor spoke, the crowd immediately fell silent and all the flags stopped waving. He spoke for only about a minute, thanking us for celebrating his birthday and mentioning this past year's numerous natural disasAfter he finished, everyone waved the flags again and cheered.Nov 06, 2005
The Crown Prince, the Emperor, and the Empress on the Emperor's Birthday. They were on the balcony for a whole THREE minutes. I thought they would stay there for at least 10 min. Barely had time to mount my telephoto lens.Nov 06, 2005
Filled on our rightNov 06, 2005
Behind us. At the very rear below the trees, there is a slightly elevated platform where the news media can take photos. You can see many tripods set up. That's how they are able to photograph the Emperor with the flags waving well below the balcony.Nov 06, 2005
9:57 am: Filled on our left. The entire place was full by 10 am. Quite a few foreigners were present as well. Rightists with large flags were also there.Nov 06, 2005
10:24 am: After 3 min. on the balcony, they were gone. We waited almost 2 hours for a 3-min. appearance. But I think it's something you should do at least once while in Japan.Nov 06, 2005
Good locationNov 06, 2005
Nov 06, 2005
9:43 am: Almost front and centerNov 06, 2005
10:20 am: The Emperor and Empress appear right on time on his birthday. As soon as they appeared, people waved paper flags and cheered "banzai!" Also see the video at YouTube.It was an amazing spectacle. I always saw it on TV, but this was the first time I saw it in person. I wish I went when Emperor Hirohito was still living.

From left to right is Princess Nori, the Crown Prince, the Emperor, the Empress, and Prince and Princess Akishino. Crown Princess Masako did not appear due to illness.

I also once used this shot for the cover photo on my home page.
Nov 06, 2005
Entrance for state guests. This is where heads of state and other royalty enter this building.Nov 06, 2005
Kyuden Totei plazaNov 06, 2005
Filling up the plazaNov 06, 2005
People behind fill up the rest of the plazaNov 06, 2005
9:38 am: Crossing the second bridge. The first Nijubashi Bridge, which we crossed first, is in the distance. Nijubashi means double bridge. 二重橋Nov 06, 2005
Out of the main gate. Everything was very orderly, no pushing nor shoving.Nov 06, 2005
The center is filled up first. The center is in front of the balcony where the Imperial family will appear. Thus, the earlier you go, the better chance of you standing in front of the balcony.Nov 06, 2005
Fushimi Turret. This view of the turret can only be had when you cross the bridge. I never knew what it really looked like until this day. 伏見櫓Nov 06, 2005
Nakamon Gate to Imperial Palace 中門Nov 06, 2005
9:40 am: Inside the Imperial Palace. This is called the Kyudentotei. It is a large plaza in front of the palace.Nov 06, 2005
Walking toward the second bridgeNov 06, 2005
9:35 am: Walking toward the second bridge. We walked up a slight slope to reach the second, parallel bridge. The Fushimi Turret is in the background.Nov 06, 2005
Fushimi Turret. This view of the turret can only be had when you cross the bridge. I never knew what it really looked like until this day. 伏見櫓Nov 06, 2005
On Nijubashi Bridge heading for the Seimon Gate. 正門Nov 06, 2005
Main gateNov 06, 2005
Left view from Nijubashi Bridge. Everyone knows what the Nijubashi Bridge looks like from outside. Finally, we see what it looks like from the bridge. 二重橋Nov 06, 2005
9:33 am: Behind us on Nijubashi Bridge. 二重橋Nov 06, 2005
Right view from Nijubashi Bridge. In the distance, you can see another parallel bridge which leads directly into the inner grounds of the palace. We will cross that bridge too. There is also the castle-like structure called the Fushimi Turret.Nov 06, 2005
9:31 am: Crossing the famous Nijubashi Bridge. It turned out to be a completely modern bridge, no sqeaking or anything. 二重橋Nov 06, 2005
Nijubashi Bridge straight ahead!Nov 06, 2005
Getting closer to the bridgeNov 06, 2005
9:28 am: Finally walking toward Nijubashi Bridge. There were a lot of men in trench coats gazing at the crowd.Nov 06, 2005
9:20 am: Long line behind. If it's a sunny day, it's sunburn time. We waited here for over 30 min.Nov 06, 2005
Approaching the entrance near Nijubashi BridgeNov 06, 2005
Merging with another line up aheadNov 06, 2005
Body inspection up ahead. They frisked the body and also used a metal detector as well. I had to explain that the hump in my pants pocket was a wallet and cell phone. He believed me since I have an honest-looking face.Nov 06, 2005
Lining up in line 1Nov 06, 2005
8:40 am: Bag checkNov 06, 2005
8:43 am: Passed body check and walking to waiting line. After seeing these coned lanes, I was glad that I went early. I don't know if all these lanes were later filled with people, but probably yes.Nov 06, 2005
Bag checkpoint ahead. They inspected all our bags. Note that they do not allow any drinks (not even water) to be taken into the palace. You will have to dump it in the trash can they provide.Nov 06, 2005
Dec. 23, 2004 at 8:30 am: Across the street from the Imperial Palace. Dec. 23 and Jan. 2 are the only two days when the general public is allowed to enter the palace to greet the Emperor and his family.A visit to the Imperial Palace by the general public is called "ippan sanga" in Japanese (一般参賀).

On the Emperor's birthday, the Imperial Palace can be entered only at certain locations. You have to find out where they are and stand in line there. Just go near the Imperial Palace and ask a policeman where you can stand in line. You otherwise cannot enter the grounds. The huge, graveled plaza where you can see Nijubashi Bridge is closed off by police.

While standing in line here, we received free paper Japanese flags.
Nov 06, 2005
Line behindNov 06, 2005
8:37 am: We crossed the street to enter Imperial Palace groundsNov 06, 2005
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