Welcome back Tokyo Marathon! It was finally held at full scale (38,000 runners) on March 5, 2023 for the first time since 2019. Runners from overseas also ran en masse after Japan finally allowed inbound tourists since last autumn. Glad to see them give the marathon a much needed international flavor.
Both elite and amateur runners enjoyed a nice, overcast day. Not too cold, not too warm, and no wind. Perfect for the 42.2-km (26.2-mile) full marathon.
Photos on this page were taken near the 24 km (15 mi.) checkpoint/turnaround in Monzen-Nakacho.
Tokyo Marathon 2023 started at 9:05 a.m. with the Wheelchair Marathon in front of Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building No. 1 in Shinjuku. Then the marathon started at 9:10 a.m. with a bang and confetti.
Runners had 7 hours to finish the full marathon (9:10 a.m. – 4:10 p.m.).
Marcel HUG (1001) & Tomoki SUZUKI (1005)Manuela ScharLeft: In the men’s wheelchair race, Marcel HUG (1001) in the lead followed by Tomoki SUZUKI (1005) who finished 2nd. They reached Monzen-Nakacho at about 9:50 a.m. Right: Women’s wheelchair race was won by Manuela Schar (2002) of Switzerland.
At 24 km, lead pack with Ethiopia’s Deso GELMISA (aqua), Tsegaye GETACHEW KEBEDE (white), and Mohamed ESA (orange shorts). Gelmisa won the marathon in 2 hours, 5 minutes, 22 seconds, followed by Esa (2:05:22), and Getachew Kebede (2:05:25). All three are from Ethiopia.
At Monzen-Nakacho 24 km, the lead pack also included top Japanese runners L-R Hidekazu HIJIKATA (white, finished 18th), Kenya SONATA (green, finished 8th), Suguru OSAKO (aqua, finished 9th), and Ichitaka YAMASHITA (red) who finished 7th and was the top Japanese finisher at 2:05:51.
At Monzen-Nakacho 24 km, the women’s lead pack included Kenya’s Rosemary Wanjiru toward the right. She eventually won the women’s Tokyo Marathon 2023. (Pacemakers have a yellow bib.)
Top Japanese woman marathoner Mizuki MATSUDA (red) was surrounded by male runners at Monzen-Nakacho. She tearfully finished 6th at 2:21:44 as the top Japanese woman finisher at Tokyo Marathon 2023.
Ai HOSODA leading a small pack in Monzen-Nakacho. She finished 7th and was the 2nd fastest Japanese woman runner at Tokyo Marathon 2023.
Yuta SHITARAMao ICHIYAMA, 14th placeShogo NAKAMURA, 36th placeMore major Japanese marathoners. Shitara is a former Japanese marathon record holder.
The full-scale Tokyo Marathon is very entertaining with cosplay runners in all kinds of costumes. Here are some of them near the 24 km mark (15 mi.) in Monzen-Nakacho. Great to see so many overseas runners. Foreign nationals numbered around 13,000 verses 24,929 Japanese runners. The men (27,952) well outnumbered the women (8,618).
If you are in any of these photos, let me know and I’ll send you a high-resolution copy for free. 写っている方々に無料で高解像度の写真を提供します。Contact me here.
ParaguayUKNational pride expressed with the country’s flag. Only 10 runners from Paraguay, and 923 runners from the UK.South AfricaDenmarkUSANational pride expressed with the country’s flag. Only 56 runners from South Africa, 50 from Denmark, and 2,724 runners came from the USA.MexicoMexicoNational pride expressed with the country’s name or dress. Above are two of the 270 Mexicans who ran.Brazilian martial artistElvisAmazing how Japan’s cosplay culture caught on overseas.Power of pinkNew YorkPretty in pink and runner from New York. Neanderthal, basketball player, and samurai.Anpan ManSuper MarioLum-chanAnpan Man, Super Mario, and Lum-chan.From TaiwanSailor Moon from BermudaPosing for the camera at the turnaround point. 984 runners came from Taiwan.NemoCookie monsterNemo the clownfish and cookie monster? No running, no life.Neko HiroshiNeko Hiroshi is a comedian. Pirate and ninja.
Spider Women
Rabbit costumes have always been popular, especially in 2023, the Year of the Rabbit.HulaHawaiianSunflowerFlower power.Fit fatherMito KomonThe oldest runners were in their 80s. Maybe these two are that old. Colorful…Sailor MoonMinnie Mouse costume at every Tokyo marathon. Sailor Moon too.MinionMinion running head and shoulders above everyone else.French friesSakeBeerFood & drink costumes.Joseph TameXiao XiaoKaeru MarathonJoseph Tame (UK) with spinning flowers on his head, panda (Xiao Xiao シャオシャオ), and Kaeru (Frog) Marathon in Kawauchi, Fukushima.Porco RossoTokyo 2020 volunteer (notice the pins on his shoulder bag), Porco Rosso Ghibli movie, and American flag suit.
Welcome to Tokyo!
An endless stream of marathoners. Such an awesome sight.
Don’t forget the Tokyo Marathon volunteers. Thank you for a great event. I was also a Tokyo Marathon volunteer for three years before working for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and Paralympics.
Cleanup crew
For runners, these yellow sweeper buses are a dreaded sight, lurking in the shadows to sweep up non-finishers. Normally, they are sightseeing tour buses operated by a famous bus tour company Hato Bus. Runners had to pass this 24 km mark by 1:20 pm. Otherwise, they had to quit the race and board the bus. Fortunately, these buses remained almost empty.After all the runners passed, sweep buses were almost empty. Cleanup crew followed.
Congratulations to all Tokyo Marathon 2023 runners. Happy to see you all. Enjoy Tokyo.