Revision as of 19:57, 6 June 2009 by Philbert (talk | contribs) (New page: <HTML><img src="/images/who/kanbee.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" align="right"></HTML> HANAYA Kanbe'e ハナヤ 勘兵衛 (1903 - 1991.5.15) Osaka. Major figure in the Kansai area. Real nam...)
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HANAYA Kanbe'e ハナヤ 勘兵衛 (1903 - 1991.5.15) Osaka. Major figure in the Kansai area. Real name Kuwata Kazuo. Opened a photo supply shop in Ashiya, Hyogo Pref. in 1929. It soon became a gathering place for photographers and photo lovers.

He and his fellows formed the noted Ashiya Camera Club in 1930. The group started the "new photo movement" which sparked the modernism photography movement in Japan.

At the time, the debate over whether photography was a technical field or an artistic one continued on. This new photo movement contributed a lot toward the recognition of photography as a fine art. Hanaya dedicated his life to having photography be recognized as a fine art in Japan.

Awards: Distinguished Contribution Award, Photographic Society of Japan, 1986.

Biography in Japanese

年 年齢

1903 0 大阪市西区江戸堀に生まれる。

1919 16 大阪府立堺中学校卒業。

1920 17 写真家になることを決意。

1925 22 上海に渡る。

1926 23 再び上海へ

1927 24 上海、香港を経てシンガポールへ。 帰国後玉子夫人と結婚。

1929 26 芦屋に写真材料店を開店。(現在の店舗よりやや西) ハナヤ勘兵衛を名乗るようになる。

1930 27 芦屋カメラクラブを結成。

1932 29 現在の場所に店舗を移転。

1933 30 関西学生写真連盟懇談会開催

1939 36 国画会写真部門に出品

1941 38 全日本学生写真連盟結成

1948 45 芦屋市美術協会の創立に参加、正会員となる。

1956 53 国画会写真部会員となる。

1977 74 兵庫県文化賞受賞。

1986 83 日本写真協会賞・功労賞受賞

1991 88 逝去
