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One of Japan's grandest festivals, the Tokushima Awa Odori is a summer dance performed in central Tokushima city. Numerous dance troupes called "ren" appear in a long parade along the city's main streets for four evenings in mid-Aug. About 2 million people see it during the four days it is held. It is like a bon dance to greet the souls of the deceased returning to visit. There are other Awa Odori festivals in Japan, but the one in Tokushima is the original and largest one. "Awa" is the former feudal name of Tokushima. Photo: Entrance to one of the spectator areas called "embujo" (admission charged). 藍場浜演舞場

Spectator seats. Admission is 1,000 to 2,000 yen.

Tokushima Airport

Crowds already line Tokushima's main street soon to be closed to traffic.

Tokushima Station

These photos were taken in Aug. 1999.

In front of Tokushima Station

Pre-festival warm-up performance.

This was in front of a dept. store near Tokushima Station.

Shinmachi-bashi road in front of Tokushima Station 新町橋通りIt was Awa Odori time.

Sculpture of Awa Odori dancers on mailbox

They performed in the afternoon.

Sculpture of Awa Odori dancers

Tokushima's Awa Odori originated in 1587 to mark the completion of Izan Castle in Tokushima (formerly called Awa Province). The castle lord allowed the people to celebrate and they danced the night away.

Rear view of a dancer

Sculpture of Awa Odori dancer

Tokushima Awa Odori dancer

Sculpture of Awa Odori dancer

Condensed mirror of Awa Odori dancerAibahama Park in the distance.

Awa Odori Kaikan museumHappi coats worn by Awa Odori dance troupes.

Free Awa odori lessons.

Awa Odori Kaikan museumAwa Odori publicity posters.

Lining up for the non-reserved spectator seats.

Bizan Ropeway 眉山ロープウェイ

The Awa Odori begins before dark.

Bizan Ropeway眉山ロープウェイ

View of Tokushima city from Bizan眉山

All spectator seats were taken.

View of Tokushima city from Bizan眉山

Tokushima Castle museum 徳島城博物館徳島城博物館

Actress Fujita Tomoko heads one dance troupe.

The festival usually features a celebrity or two. This is actress Fujita Tomoko at the Tokushima Awa Odori.

My compact camera lens had a flare/halation problem.

Finally found a seat closer to the road.

Really hard taking pictures with a small compact camera with no telephoto zoom.

Tokushima Awa Odori dancer

Tokushima Awa Odori is also called the "Fool's Dance"

Tokushima Awa Odori

Flute player

Tokushima Awa Odori dancer

End of the course

In front of my hotel after the festival ended.This group continued dancing late into the night.

Naruto whirlpools in Naruto, Tokushima Prefecture are very famous and a major tourist attracton in Shikoku. The whirlpools occur in Naruto Strait between Naruto and Awaji island.

You can see the whirlpools from a boat run by Naruto Kanko Kisen (Uzushio Kancho-sen). Local buses run from Tokushima Station and Naruto Station to Naruto Kanko-ko (鳴門観光港) where the boat leaves. (The boat terminal looks different from this old pPort location:

Boat to see Naruto whirlpools. Boats leave about twice an hour from around 9:15 am to 4:15 pm. Cruise time is about 30 min., fare is around ¥2,400.

Short boat cruise to Naruto Strait. 大鳴門橋

The Ōnaruto Bridge spans over Naruto Strait connecting Naruto and Awaji island. 大鳴門橋

Ōnaruto Bridge was completed in 1985 and stretches for 876 meters (2,874 ft) over the ocean. 大鳴門橋

The boat has a higher deck, so you can see the whirlpools better.

How impressive the Naruto whirlpools are depend on the day and time. Check the website for best times to go:

Naruto whirlpools can also be seen from the bridge.

Naruto whirlpool

Naruto whirlpool.JNTO photo.

Ōnaruto Bridge and Naruto whirlpool.

Ōnaruto Bridge