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Area along Kodara River is within the Kitamachi (northern) part of Gujo-Hachiman. Part of the castle town at the foot of the castle mountain.

Small alley to Sogisui natural spring. The Kitamachi area of Gujo-Hachiman is also a National Important Traditional Townscape Preservation District (重要伝統的建造物群保存地区).

On the right is Sogi natural spring, named after poet Sogi who bid farewell here to the castle lord after visiting Gujo in the 15th century.

Sogisui natural spring, one of Japan's 100 Famous Natural Springs. 宗祇水

Sogi Spring in Gujo-Hachiman.

About Sogi-sui Spring.

Homes along Kodara River.

Gujo-Hachiman Castle seen from the street.

Sake shop in a traditional building in a neighborhood called Kajiya-machi

Kikoku Guardhouse site now has a Gujo Odori monument.

Gujo Odori monument.

About the Kikoku Guardhouse.

Kodara River looking downstream.

Kodara River upstream.

Old-style mailbox.

Traditional townscape along a neighborhood called Kajiya-machi where the town's craftsmen lived and worked. 鍛冶屋町

Red water bucket to put out fires.

Red water bucket to put out fires.

Gujo-Hachiman Castle seen from the street.

Daijoji Temple gate and bell tower (built in 1803) along Kodara River.

Daijoji Temple gate and bell tower in autumn.

About Daijoji Temple, built in 1603.

Daijoji Temple in autumn. 大乗寺

Daijoji Temple in autumn. 大乗寺

Daijoji Temple in autumn. 大乗寺

Daijoji Temple in autumn. 大乗寺

Daijoji Temple in autumn. 大乗寺

Traditional townscape along a neighborhood called Shokunin-machi where the town's craftsmen lived and worked. 職人町

Neighborhood called Shokunin-machi leading to Chokyoji Temple.

Gate to Chokyoji Temple. 長敬寺

Chokyoji Temple in Gujo-Hachiman. Family temple for the Endo Clan, castle lords. 長敬寺

Chokyoji has a connection with the Ryosotai Battalion formed by former samurai of Gujo domain. They fought against Imperial forces in 1868 at Aizu Wakamatsu. 凌霜隊

Gutter along the temple's wall.

The 16th Kitamachi Awa Odori was held on July 26, 2008 from 6 pm to 8:30 pm. Kitamachi is a small neighborhood near Tobu-Nerima Station on the Tobu Tojo Line.

They danced on the main shopping streets called Kitamachi shotengai (pictured here) and New Kitamachi shotengai. Just few minutes walk from the train station. きたまち商店街

After a few speeches and a "tape-cut" ceremony, the festival began at 6:30 pm.

Twenty-three dancing and non-dancing troupes participated. This is somewhat small compared to bigger Awa Odori dances in Tokyo, but the enjoyment and enthusiasm of the dancers and crowd were top-class.

One group was from the local junior high school.

There were about 1,400 dancers and about 70,000 spectators lining the streets.

Junior high school dancers dressed in yukata.

School baseball team, Kitamachi Faiyers. No dancing.

Would you believe a karate group? They did not dance. Just punched and yelled their way through. Kitamachi Awa Odori, Nerima, Tokyo 極真空手連

I much prefer the women dancers.

So photogenic, like a crane in flight.

Daikon-ren from Nerima-ku.

These kids were very good at the taiko drums.

Dancing in formation.

Aoi Shin-ren, one of my favorite Awa Odori troupes. 葵新連

Kitamachi Awa Odori, Tokyo 写楽連

Kitamachi Awa Odori, Tokyo

Takara-bune-ren 宝船連

She loved to pose for photographers.

They were hoppin'

Awa Odori dancer

All the dancers' faces were glistening with perspiration.

Kitamachi Awa Odori, Nerima-ku, Tokyo

Kitamachi Awa Odori Dance, Nerima-ku, Tokyo きたまち阿波おどり

Nice formation.

They know how to look good.

For the last number, the finale.

Quite spectacular finale performance by this troupe called Hyottoko-ren. ひょっとこ連