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Music entertainment also provided by high school bands.

Road to finish line

Goal in sight. Runners had to cross the finish line by 4:10 pm. The vast majority did so.

The finish line. Unlike last year, we could not approach the finish line and see the runners crossing it up close. Also see my video at YouTube.

Way to Tokyo Big Sight. It was a warm, sunny day on Feb. 27, 2011 in Tokyo. Unlike the year before when it was cold and rainy.

Entertainment stage near Tokyo Big Sight.

Tokyo Big Sight directions to spectator stands near the finish line.

Tokyo Big Sight exit.

Soejima Masazumi is the 1st place winner of the wheelchair race which started at 9:05 am in Shinjuku.

Various muscical entertainment was held at two areas near the finish line. This was the largest entertainment area. A high school band kicked off the entertainment here.

Finish line entertainment at Tokyo Big Sight started with a marching band from a local junior high and high school. かえつ有明中・高等学校 マーチングバンドESTEAM

The 2011 Tokyo Marathon winner, MEKONNEN Hailu from Ethiopia wins the marathon with a time of 2:07:35.

2nd place is BIWOTT Paul from Kenya.

Thw 2011 Tokyo Marathon's 3rd place winner is KAWAUCHI Yuki from Saitama. He's also the top Japanese winner.

KAWAUCHI Yuki collapsed after crossing the finish line. But he went back to work at his school the next day.

Finish line.

LIMO Felix from Kenya is 6th place.

7th place is KODA Takaaki and the 2nd place Japanese.

Finally the women's 1st place winner in ARYASOVA Tatiana from Russia.


2nd place women's winner HIGUCHI Noriko.

Hot dog stick, complete with ketchup and mustard.

Donald Duck


Tomioka Hachimangu Shrine mikoshi bearers. The shrine is well-known in Koto Ward where Tokyo Big Sight is. 富岡八幡宮神輿総代連合会

Taiko drummers for the portable shrine.


Black Spider-man

Mt. Fuji

Lots of cross dressers this year. A fairy?


Nurse costumes appear every year.

A few Darth Vaders were running too.

Uncle Sam

"Getting married on March 10!" Good luck to you.

I wonder how heavy the backpack is.


2011 being the year of the rabbit, we saw a lotta bunny costumes.


Snow White (male).

One-eyed Gege no Kitaro.

Santa Claus.

Italian running barefoot.

Daruma head



Crab (kani)

Musubi head.

Rabbit costumes were also popular since 2011 is the year of the rabbit.

Captain of Thunderbird 1 (or maybe 2).

Winnie the Pooh

Okinawan taiko drummer

Dance performers cheer on the runners as they wait their turn to perform.

Tokyo Yosakoi dancers. 東京よさこい

New Year's kagami-mochi.


Musubi head



Tiger Mask

Lotta runners brought along a camera.

Actually kinda dangerous to stop and shoot.


Somehow these bunnies look sinister. The kind of costume bank robbers would use.

From Osaka

Tax man

Watermelon head

Asakusa Kaminarimon paper lantern.

Tokyo Yosakoi dancers. 東京よさこい

Oh yeah...

Tokyo Yosakoi dancers. 東京よさこい


Best Costume of the day.

Nasubi (eggplant) pair


Bottle of sake

Pair look





Tokyo Tower

Banana Man

From 2:20 pm, a samba group called G.R.E.S. Festanca performed.

Mikoshi head

Samba group called G.R.E.S. Festanca at Tokyo Marathon.

Kyushu shinkansen

Samba dancers at Tokyo Marathon.

Another great costume.

How Japanese can you get?

Panda head. She was on TV.


Anpan Man, the head is a lamp shade. Great costume.

Roller skating group entertained. 東京都ローラースポーツ連盟

Captain America

Toyko Big Sight is crowded with people waiting for runners.