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Belonging to the Buzan School of the Shingon Sect of Buddhism, Gokokuji Temple was built by the mother of Shogun Tokugawa Tsunayoshi in 1682. The Gekkoden Hall was moved here from Miidera temple in Otsu, Shiga Pref. The Tahoto Pagoda was modeled after the Tahoto at Ishiyamadera in Otsu, Shiga. Okuma Shigenobu, founder of Waseda Univ., is also buried here. This is the entrance to Gokokuji Temple, Niomon Gate. It's right next to Gokokuji Station on the Yurakucho subway line. 仁王門

People coming to Takahata Fudoson temple on Feb. 3, Setsubun day.

Belonging to the Shingon Sect's Buzan school, this is one of Tokyo's major temples. The real name is Sojiji (總持寺), but everyone calls it Nishi-Arai Daishi.The temple grounds feature many flowering trees and plants including an unusual species of cherry blossoms which bloom in winter. Daishi-mae Station. Much larger station than I expected. Probably for the New Year's crowds. 大師前駅

After you pass through the Niomon Gate, this is what you see.

Takahata Fudoson temple entrance 高幡不動尊

Daishi-mae Station 大師前駅. Nishi-Arai Daishi Temple was said have been founded by Priest Kobo Daishi in 826. One of the Kanto Region's Big Three Daishi Temples.


The setsubun bean-throwing starts with a memorial service, then a procession of the bean throwers and priests.

The main path to the temple is lined with the usual shops, but it is not aligned with the train station. The path from the train station takes a different route.


Priests in setsubun procession within the temple grounds.

Main path to temple

Map of temple grounds. Belonging to the Buzan School of the Shingon Sect of Buddhism, Gokokuji temple was built by the mother of Shogun Tokugawa Tsunayoshi in 1682.

Priests in setsubun procession within the temple grounds.

Sanmon Gate, the main gate. 山門

Steps going up to an inner gate called Furomon 不老門

Priests in setsubun procession coming through Niomon Gate

Sanmon Gate

Furomon Gate (Ageless Gate) 不老門

Priest blowing a conch shell

Food stalls lead you to the main worship hall.

View from Furomon Gate

Priests in setsubun procession coming through Niomon Gate

Dai-Hondo Hall, Nishi-Arai Daishi, Tokyo 大本堂According to legend, when prayers were offered to save villagers from an epidemic, pure water gushed out of a hitherto dried-up well and got rid of the plague. Since the well was on the west side of the temple hall, this area came to be called "Nishi-Arai" (New Well in the West). The temple is famous for warding off fire and misfortune.

Festival beauties included.

Incense burner

Temple priest

Sanmon Gate 山門


Names of the bean throwers.

Hosenji temple in Nakano-ku, Tokyo. Belongs to the Shingon-shu Sect, Buzan School. 宝仙寺

Dai-Hondo Hall 大本堂

Start of setsubun bean throwing (mamemaki) by minor celebrities. 豆まき

Buddha statue with Tahoto Pagoda in background

Hondo hall 本堂

Altar inside Dai-Hondo Hall 大本堂

Kannon-do main worship hall 観音堂(本堂)Gokokuji Temple has held large funerals for some famous people like singer Yutaka Ozaki in 1992.

Miss Nippon

Hondo hall 本堂

View from Dai-Hondo Hall

Kannon-do main worship hall 観音堂(本堂)

Miss Nippon throw beans, but not very far.

Kobo Daishi statue

Winter-flowering cherry blossoms

Daibutsu Buddha statue

Kimono beauties and beans do mix well.

Inside Hondo hall 本堂

Winter-flowering cherry blossoms and Dai-Hondo Hall

Daibutsu Buddha statue

Women in kimono is a must on Setsubun day.

Inside Hondo hall 本堂

Tahoto Pagoda at Gokokuji temple in Bunkyo, Tokyo. Built in 1938 modeled after the original Tahoto Pagoda at Ishiyama-dera temple in Otsu, Shiga Prefecture. 多宝塔

Minor female idols also on hand to throw beans.

Three-story pagoda 三重塔

Winter-flowering cherry blossoms, Nishi-Arai Daishi, Tokyo 寒桜


Goeido Hall housing Kobo Daishi image. 御影堂

Bikini idols Yoshii Rei, Mitsuya Yoko, and Fukushita Megumi throwing beans on Setsubun

Temple grounds as seen from the Hondo Hall

Winter-flowering cherry blossoms 寒桜

After the first bean-throwing session.

Pagoda and pile of setsubun boxes

Wooden boxes containing the beans (peanuts) and mikan tangerines to be thrown to the crowd.

Crowd waits for another bean-throwing session

Winter-flowering cherry blossoms 寒桜

People crowd in front of the Horinkaku

Tahoto Pagoda and Gekkoden Hall at Gokokuji temple in Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo

Ceremony area

Winter-flowering cherry blossoms 寒桜

Gekkoden Hall (Important Cultural Property). It was moved here from Miidera temple in Otsu, Shiga Prefecture. Now it serves as a tea ceremony headquarters 茶道本山. 月光殿

Bean throwers make speeches.

Warrior monk procession 僧兵行列

Ume plum blossoms

Kannon-do main worship hall and autumn leaves

It is unusual or unique to see such a procession for Setsubun. 僧兵行列

Ume plum blossoms

Kannon-do main worship hall and autumn leaves

Miss Nippon somethings

In 1951 when they were rebuilding the temple destroyed by the war, they found some items which were supposedly used by a warrior monk. 僧兵行列

Ume plum blossoms

Side of Kannon-do main worship hall and autumn leaves

Throw the beans farther!

So from 1953, as part of the Setsubun ceremonies on Feb. 3, they started this procession of people dressed as warrior monks.

White plum blossoms

Fuku wa uchi!!

They are not real warrior monks. Monks do not go to battle as they once did centuries ago. Also see the video at YouTube. 僧兵行列

White plum blossoms 白梅

Setsubun bean throwing at Takahata Fudoson temple, Hino, Tokyo

Rear view

White plum blossoms 白梅

Rear of Kannon-do main worship hall and autumn leaves

Setsubun bean throwing at Takahata Fudoson temple, Hino, Tokyo

Warrior monks entering Hosenji temple. 僧兵行列

White plum blossoms 白梅

Even Hello Kitty threw beans for Setsubun at Takahata Fudoson temple, Hino, Tokyo

This man must be the leader.

Red plum blossoms

Yoshii Rei and Mitsuya Yoko

Blowing a conch shell. One of the signals of battle.

In spring, see 4,500 peony plants in 70 varieties bloom. Temple is nicknamed "Botan Daishi" (Peony Daishi).

Corner of railing on Kannon-do

Bikini idols Yoshii Rei, Mitsuya Yoko, and Fukushita Megumi throw beans a second time.

The warrior monk costume is interesting. The collar makes them look bigger and more fearsome. 僧兵行列

Red plum blossoms

Sadly, lot of people (especially those way in the back) didn't get any beans.


The procession started at 3:30 pm at a nearby shrine.

Red plum blossoms and pagoda

Missed beans get crushed on the ground. These are dried soybeans.


They arrived Hosenji at around 4 pm.

White plum blossoms


Entrance to the daruma fair.

Inside Kannon-do main hall

Memorial service 柴燈大護摩供

Pond behind the Dai-Hondo Hall

Daruma dolls for sale on the same day as Setsubun




Large daruma at Takahata Fudoson temple, Hino, Tokyo

Benten-do 弁天堂

Grave of Okuma Shigenobu, former Prime Minister and founder of Waseda University.


Instrument players


Grave of Okuma Shigenobu


Another grand grave

The path is lined with daruma doll vendors


Side view of Dai-Hondo

Cemetary behind the temple

Daruma dolls

Setting afire

Side view of Dai-Hondo


13-story pagoda 十三大塔

People line up to receive mikan

Chigo Daishi 稚児大師


Chigo Daishi 稚児大師

Gingko tree in fall

Three-story Treasure Pagoda 三重宝塔


Here you go.


Bean-throwing started at 4:30 pm. 豆まき


Yakushido Hall 薬師堂

Bean throwing is called mame-maki. 豆まき

33rd temple on the Saigoku Pilgrimage circuit

Even this was unusual since they were also throwing mikan tangerines. 豆・みかん(?)まき

Salt Jizo 塩地蔵

People at the very front are not ignored.

Salt Jizo 塩地蔵

Bell tower 鐘楼(付梵鐘)

A tangerine hitting your head is probably painful.

Rokkaku-do 六角堂

Stone lanterns

Tangerines are easily squished in your hands (juice squirting out) if you catch one.


Temple bell and pond

Tea ceremony women


Koi. Seems like a sumi painter just painted on this fish.

Mt. Fuji motif

A flea market is held monthly in the temple grounds.


Hakkaku-do Hall 八角堂

Song monument

Inside Hakkaku-do Hall. A glass door lets you see inside, but the door is locked. 八角堂

Belonging to the Shingon Buddhist sect founded by Kobo Daishi, Kawasaki Daishi Temple is one of the Kanto Region's Big Three Shingon temples (other two being Narita-san in Chiba and Yakuoin in Mt. Takao).Officially named Heikenji Temple, Kawasaki Daishi worships Kobo Daishi (弘法大師), the founder of the Shingon Sect.

Kawasaki Daishi Temple is near Kawasaki Daishi Station on the Keikyu Daishi Line that starts from Keikyu Kawasaki Station.

The short walk from Kawasaki Daishi Station to Kawasaki Daishi Temple is lined with souvenir shops.

Many daruma shops along the way. These daruma are designed like a boar since 2019 was the Year of the Boar.

Daruma dolls.

Tanuki dressed for Setsubun, complete with beans.

Turn right at the intersection.

Entrance to Daishi Nakamise shopping arcade leading to Kawsaki Daishi Temple. 大師仲見世

Daishi Nakamise shopping arcade to Kawasaki Daishi has more souvenir shops.

Daishi Nakamise shopping arcade leads to the temple.

Daishi Nakamise is famous for rock-candy cutting (Tontoko Ame). They use a knive to cut the long sliver of candy on a wooden cutting board to make a loud chopping noise.

Lots of daruma shops

Daruma shop

Daruma with eyes to be painted in.


Beckoning cats or maneki-neko.

Getting closer to Kawasaki Daishi.

Dai-Sanmon Main Gate rebuilt in 1977. 大山門

Belonging to the Shingon Buddhist sect, Kawasaki Daishi is one of the most popular Buddhist temples in Kanagawa Prefecture. Official name is Heikenji (平間寺). Almost 3 million people worship here during New Year's. It worships Kobo Daishi (弘法大師), the founder of the Shingon Sect.

Giant paper lantern hangs in the Dai-Sanmon (Main Gate).

Under the giant paper lantern.

Behind the giant paper lantern.

One of the Four Heavenly Kings inside the Main Gate. 四天王像

One of the Four Heavenly Kings inside the Main Gate. 四天王像

Water basin.

Water basin with a lotus flower.

Ema tablet for the Year of the Boar in 2019.

Path to main worship hall 大本堂

Kawasaki Daishi Temple, Dai-hondo main worship hall and incense burner in front. 大本堂

Incense burner

Kawasaki Daishi Temple, Dai-hondo main worship hall 大本堂

Kawasaki Daishi Temple, Dai-hondo main worship hall 大本堂

Kawasaki Daishi Temple, Dai-hondo main worship hall 大本堂