Image search results - "Omihachiman" |

Dai-ikku float. 第一区

Float bearers spin around while shouting "Cho-yare" or "Masse masse!" Dai-niku float 第二区

Dai-niku float 第二区

In front of the torii gate, two floats join up.

Dai-ikku float's Tosa dog. 第一区

Dai-niku float 第二区

Jukku-kai float. 十区会

This one has a picture of the famous Azuchi Castle which is in Omi-Hachiman. The castle was built by warlord Oda Nobunaga in the 16th century. This festival originated in Azuchi. Jukku-kai float. 十区会

Jukku-kai float. 十区会

Jukku-kai float. 十区会

Jukku-kai float. 十区会

Another festival highlight are the cosplayer float bearers. Long before cosplaying became a fad in Japan, the festival had costumers. According to legend, warlord Oda Nobunaga disguised himself lavishly when he joined in the festival. Modern people took that as a hint and started cosplaying in the festival decades ago.

Shichikukai float. 紫竹会

Ishin-cho float. 為心町

Shichikukai float. 紫竹会

Jukku-kai float. 十区会

Ishin-cho float. 為心町

Dai-Juikku float's Tosa dog is a fighter. 第十一区

Cute doggie pouches. Suwai-cho. 仲屋町

The float battles are prone to damage the float decorations. A few dogs lost their heads or broke their legs in the battles. All those intricate works of art, only to be soon destroyed. But no one really cares.

This clashing (or crashing) of floats is called "kenka" (fight). It lasts until 5 pm in front of the shrine (parking lot).

Shichikukai float. 紫竹会

Shinmachi-dori float. 新町通り

Suwai-cho float is stuck against the wall. 仲屋町

Ishin-cho float. 為心町

Dai-Juikku float's Tosa dog. 第十一区

Shichikukai float at battle. 紫竹会

Ikeda-machi float. 池田町

Uwai-cho float partying. 魚屋町

Float leader directing the float bearers carrying the float. Jukku-kai float. 十区会

Jukku-kai float at the shrine. 十区会

Jukku-kai float takes a fall. 十区会

Dai-niku float takes a fall. 第二区

Dai-niku float's dog with no head. 第二区

Uwai-cho float takes a fall. 魚屋町

Miyauchi-cho float won 3rd place in the float design competition. 宮内町

Dai-ikku float. 第一区

Uwai-cho float. 魚屋町

Uwai-cho float vs. Dai-ikku. 魚屋町

Lots of straw on the ground, serves up lots of dust.

Dai-ikku float. 第一区

Shichikukai children's float. 紫竹会

Shichikukai children's float. 紫竹会

Ikeda-machi float. 池田町

At 6 pm, the children's floats are torched first. Sanwakai children's float is set afire.

No one cares about the damaged dogs because the floats would all be burned in the end. It's a fire festival and a variant of the dondo-yaki fire festival that burns New Year's decorations in mid-Jan. The fire supposed to make you young again.

Shichikukai float. 紫竹会

Dai-Juikku float in the shrine at night. 第十一区

Honmachi float arrive at the shrine for the fiery festival climax.

The larger floats are burned from 8 pm. They burn 5 or 6 floats at a time until 10:30 pm. Miyauchi-cho float. 宮内町

Since they burn multiple floats at the same time, you can't photograph them all burning.

They run around the burning float.

Line for the bus back to Omi-Hachiman Station.

It's called "Suigo Meguri" (waterway cruise). Following the boat driver/captain.

The Suigo boat ride in waterways connected to Lake Biwa and Nishinoko is a major tourist attraction in Omi-Hachiman.

We head for Lake Nishi-no-ko.

Lots of reeds, essential for the lake's ecosystem. They cleanse the water among other things.

Reeds provide cover for bird nests and baby birds.

Lake Nishinoko.


Motorized boats. We thought that human-powered boats were definitely more pleasant than these motorized boats.

Going back.

Very pleasant outing.