Lake Toya (East) 洞爺湖(壮瞥町)

If you want to bicycle around Lake Toya, do it in the counterclockwise direction from Toyako Onsen where you can rent a bicycle. It's easier slope-wise and you can see the lake better on the left side of the road.

These pictures show what you will see when you cycle east from Toyako Onsen. I did it during cherry blossom time in early May. You can cycle around in 3 hours, but it took me all day due to sightseeing and shooting photos.

Sculpture: 奥山喜生「回峰」

Cherry blossoms

Sculpture: 中井延也「シグナル」

Cherry blossoms and sculpture

It was pretty sunny, but I still used flash for this shot.

Sculpture: 秋山沙走武「薫風」

Sculpture: 秋山沙走武「薫風」

Rocky shore

Windsor Hotel in the distance.

The water is very transparent.

Cherry trees almost in full bloom.

Cherry blossoms and the Nakajima islands.

Swan boat too.

Love this transparent water. Makes you feel like canoeing or kayaking to the Nakajima islands.

Carp fish

Carp, they must love this clean lake.

Close-up of cherry blossoms. Doesn't look like the Somei-Yoshino type.

Sculpture: 峯田敏郎「記念撮影五月のかたち」

Sculpture: Posing for a Photo in May, by 峯田敏郎「記念撮影五月のかたち」

One thing I like about photographing human-figure sculptures is that they are very good at keeping still for my camera.

More cherry blossoms...

Cherry blossoms and Lake Toya with the Nakajima islands.

Toyako Enchi Park, a lakeside picnic area.

Sculpture: Ripple Dance, by 関 正司「漣舞・リップル・ダンス」

Sculpture in Toyako Enchi Park: Ripple Dance, by 関 正司「漣舞・リップル・ダンス」

Nice cycling path goes quite far.

Sculpture: Scene of a Portrait, by 湯川 隆「肖像のある風景」

Sculpture: Scene of a Portrait, by 湯川 隆「肖像のある風景」

Road to Mt. Showa-Shinzan.

Aqua-blue water was almost like a tropical ocean...

Finally, cherry blossoms near the lake water...

Lake Toya and cherry blossoms. Shikotsu-Toya National Park

Little island in the lake. Name unknown.

Eastern Lake Toya, with Mt. Usu in the distance.

Eastern Lake Toya, with Mt. Usu in the distance.

Eastern Lake Toya, with pretty lake colors.

View of Nakajima islands from eastern Lake Toya.

I left the lakeside road and took a side trip to the center of Sobetsu town.

This river leads to Sobetsu Falls.

Sobetsu Falls, Lake Toya, Hokkaido.

Sobetsu Town Hall with a G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome sign.


The main reason for the side trip was this museum, the Yokozuna Kitanoumi Memorial Hall, dedicated to one of sumo's greatest grand champions. He was from Sobetsu.

After pushing my bicycle up the long slope from central Sobetsu, I went back on the lakeside road and again went uphill to Sobetsu Park, famous for ume plum trees.

Lakeside road on eastern Lake Toya.

Passed by two small Shinto shrines...

Another red torii.

Arrows point downward to show where the road edge is, when there is deep snow.

Kimundo-no-Ie Hot Spring and campsite.

Kimundo-no-Ie Hot Spring and campsite office. You can bath in a hot spring for 390 yen here. Open 10 am - 9 pm. Closed Thu. Phone: 0142-66-7022 来夢人の家、仲洞爺湖温泉

Sculpture at Kimundo-no-Ie: Spring Winds Blowing, by 熊谷紀子「春~風走る」

Sculpture at Kimundo-no-Ie: Spring Winds Blowing, by 熊谷紀子「春~風走る」

Sculpture at Kimundo-no-Ie: To the Shore in Summer, by 神田比呂子「夏~渚へ」

Sculpture at Kimundo-no-Ie: All-Day Autumn, by 秋山知子「秋~終日」

Sculpture at Kimundo-no-Ie: Winter: When Stars Fall, by 小野寺紀子「冬~星降る夜に」. A persistent problem is the bird droppings forming ugly white streaks on the pieces. Someone should clean it.

More arrows point downward to show where the road edge is, when there is deep snow.

View of the Nakajima islands from eastern Lake Toya.

Swans along Lake Toya, Sobetsu, Hokkaido