
Ohmi Railways Taga Taisha-mae Station. The shrine is a 10-min. walk from this station. 近江鉄道 多賀大社前駅 MAP

Exhibition space inside Taga Taisha-mae Station. Also good as a waiting room.

Taga Taisha-mae Station's waiting room also has a showcase

Bicycles are allowed on Ohmi Railways trains.

Loading a bicycle on the train.

Bicycles are allowed on Ohmi Railways trains.

Torii near the train station.

Way to Taga Taisha.

Local shop in Taga.

Ohmi Railways Taga Taisha-mae Station. The shrine is a 10-min. walk from this station. 近江鉄道 多賀大社前駅

Exhibition space inside Taga Taisha-mae Station. Also good as a waiting room.

When there's no exhibition inside Taga Taisha-mae Station, it's a nice waiting room.

Taga Taisha-mae Station's waiting room also has a showcase of ema prayer tablets from various shrines.

Taga Taisha-mae Station's waiting room also has a showcase of ema prayer tablets from various shrines.

Taga Taisha-mae Station platform and Ohmi Railways train.

Inside Ohmi Railways train.

On the ceiling of Taga Taisha-mae Station, there are sparrow (or are they swallows?) bird nests. This one had chicks waiting for its mother.

Here's the mother flying in to feed her young.

This was in May, and these birds often make nests in train station and even public restrooms where people often come and go. The people protect them from predators such as crows. And their nests are too high for people to reach.

Some kind of new monument in front of the train station.