Home > KANAGAWA 神奈川県 > Manazuru 真鶴町 > Manazuru Peninsula & Cape Manazuru 真鶴半島・真鶴岬
Manazuru Peninsula is a small, scenic spit of rocky and hilly land jutting into Sagami Bay, western Kanagawa. The forest on the peninsula is one of Japan's Top 100 Forests (森林浴の森100選) as designated by Japan's Forestry Agency.
Keywords: kanagawa manazuru peninsula cape

Manazuru Peninsula is a small, scenic spit of rocky and hilly land jutting into Sagami Bay, western Kanagawa. The forest on the peninsula is one of Japan's Top 100 Forests (森林浴の森100選) as designated by Japan's Forestry Agency.

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