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ようこそ - The red hiragana characters read "Yōkoso!" (Welcome!). The bottom characters say "Mother Bokujō e" (to Mother Farm). 

(Note that all the Japanese kanji characters you see on signs will read either from top to bottom or from left to right.)

Place: Mother Farm, Chiba.


ようこそ - The red hiragana characters read "Yōkoso!" (Welcome!). The bottom characters say "Mother Bokujō e" (to Mother Farm).

(Note that all the Japanese kanji characters you see on signs will read either from top to bottom or from left to right.)

Place: Mother Farm, Chiba.

01yokoso.jpg 02eki.jpg 03tourist.jpg 04exit.jpg 05toilet.jpg 06suwa.jpg 07urhere.jpg

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